New Begginings

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Alyssa's pov

The next morning i woke up to the smell of pancakes i knew my mom was making breakfast, but the only time she ever makes breakfast is when she has something important to tell me. Then i remembered last night she said she had to tell me something that will chnage my life. I looked to my right and see Acacia sleeping still, I guess I'll let her sleep a little longer.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find my mom putting one last pancake onva plate.

"Mornin Lis" my mom said in a little too cheery voice

"Ugh mornin" I said a bit confused because literally I came home in a cop car today

"Acacia still sleeping" my mom asked

"Ya she sleeps like a brick you should know this" i say laughing to myself, becasue my mom wasn't. I knew she was still upset with me about what happened last night. Evcen though if i were her i would just get use to it.

"I know, but was just making sure before i told you the news." my mom starts sitting infront on my on the otherside of the klitchen tabel.

"Oh ya what is it that you have to tell me?" i ask looking directly at my mom.

"Well you do realize how much trouble you have gotten in over the years right?" my mom questions in a stern tone. I just rool my eyes, and mumbel a "yeah".

"Officer Smith told me last night after he dropped yinz off that this was the last straw. Lis do you understand?" my mom questions. Proabably realizing I'm starting to zone out and also becasue I"m dumb as fuck sometimes.

"Nooo?" I dragged out the word, answering it more as a question than an answer while pulling a very confused face.

"It means that was the last time for you to get in troubel with omly a warning!" my mom exclaimed her eyes widening a bit. "If you get caught again you will go to jail, Jail for fucks sake!" my mom excalims yet again this time getting up from her seat and walking around running a hand through her hair.

"Ok then" i say as this news that she just dropped on me didn't faze me at all. When in reality i was thinking 'oh shit' 

"Your rediculious I swear, but anyways the news is we are moving" my mom say with the most devilish grin ever. Saying I was shocked would be an understanment, I was mortified.

"Moving are fucking serious?!" as yell my jaw like literally on the floor.

"I'm serious officer Smith recommended actually, saying it would be the best if you start somewhere new and fresh. Considering you'll be graduating soon and want a good rep." my mom tells me. 

"First off do you know who you are talking to? No matter where I go my rep will always follow me. It's who I am, and sorry if it not up to your liking" i say crossing my arms over my chest pursing my lips not at all immpresed with what my mom was telling me.

"Yeah yeah whatever, either go wake up Acacia and have her start helping you pack, or tell her to leave so you can start packing" my mom says as she starts to leave the room.

"I hate this I'm not moving you will have to pry me from this house if you want me to leave. I will super glue my ass to my bed, and all my belogings. I'M NOT MOVING!" I rambled the whole way up to my room before fin ally slamming my door shut huffing in frustration still looking at my door.

"what do you mean moving?" i heard AC shriek

So I told her everything, more in a shortened way than my mother. And yes finally someone was on my side because AC agreed it was stupid to move.To be honest I was not in a sense scared, but timid of the idea of moving to a new place. Not nessarily foriegn but eh somewhere I've never been. I don't like new things, I like knowing what I'm getting myself into. Like when I know I'm breaking the law i know that I'm either going to get caught or not.

"You can't move I hate everyone else here!" Acacia stated whining like a child. It's true besides our other friends we kind of hated everyone else.

"How do you think I'll feel, I'm not going to know anyone, most likely someone is going to make up something about me. I'm going to beat them up and it's all going to go down hill." i say sighing in frustration.

After a while of AC and I basically complaining to each other, we started packing. 

My mom was right this really is going to change my life.

**Authors Note**

Heyy so i fixed this chapter, so dear future readers, or readers who r re- reading it's fixed. It's a lot shorter than i wanted and what the orignal was so srry bout that. But besides that i also added a cast bc i'm on my laptop instead of my phone, and your phone doesn't allow you to make a cast. Or if it does i'm just too stupid to figure it out. Also srry for all the spelling mistakes, spell check is ,not working, and once i find a editor for this book. They will fix everything.

also can not explain how much i love y'all who read my dumb book never in a million years would i of thought this would get 185k reads let alone 1 lol. But please tell ur friends or random ppl to read this bc it would be cool haha.

thx again loves :*

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