Going Home

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Alyssa's pov

Today is finally the day. Im going home, Im leaving Aspin Spring. The place I have called my home for 2 months, and in that 2 months I have changed dramatically. Nash and I are still together, we couldn't be better to be honest. I have put back on weight it's now 115. My mom still isn't home though, and still no messages or any sign she's coming back. I have honestly lost hope that she will be back. I don't know her reasoning and I honestly don't care, my life is fine without her. But I miss her so much.

"I'm going to miss you" Sam says from the door way of our room him leaning on the door frame.

"I'm going to miss you to Sam" I say walking over to him giving him a hug nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm going to have to make more friends when you leave" Sam mummbles into my neck.

"Haha its ok Sam you'll find someone, and I promise to come and visit" I tell him pulling away from our long hug

"When do you leave?" Sam asks me helping me finish packing my stuff

"Taylor is coming to get me at 5" I say picking up the picture of Taylor and I.

"Is Nash coming?" Sam asks sitting on my bed looking up at me

"No he has a math competition today 2 hours away" I say not looking at Sam and continue to pack the last of my things.

"I would of never pictured you two together in a million years" Sam says with a laugh

"You and me both" I say causing us to both laugh a little harder.

"Do you want to go on a walk before you leave?" Sam asks standing up

"Sure" I say with a smile slipping on my shoes as does Sam.

We both walk out of our room and head to the door were it leads out back were there are trails to walk on. We got to the door and signed our names on a piece of paper. We have to sign our names to let people like Shelly know were we are at, also we have to put the time. We aren't aloud out longer than 3 hours otherwise you'll get suspended for a couple days of going outside. It really never happens.

Once we are done filling out the paper we walk out the big gray door. The fresh air immediately worms my heart. Knowing I can come out here anytime whenever I want without signing a paper soon, just makes me happy. But Sam.

We start up a trail that Sam and I made we kind of found it on accident, but we did find that it leads to a waterfall. We kept it a secret so only Sam and I know about it, and we only go back there if we are to together.

Walking back to waterfall Sam didn't say anything he just started at the ground, looked up occasionally, but immediately putting it back down. I honestly felt sad I know why Sam is sad, it's because I'm leaving, I can't think of this situation any differently then it all being my fault. I wish I could just pack Sam in my suitcase and take him with me, but I can't he needs this place he needs to get back to his normal self. After that day we found McKenzie dead Sam went complete antisocial, he would only say a few words to me and that's it. He eventually came around, he seemed a bit happier, but I didn't know what he was doing to make him a bit happier.

I saw his arm one day when we were in the physical therapy room working out. He told be everything he told me he didn't know what epese to do to stop his heart from breaking more than it already was. He begged me for forgiveness, saying he was sorry, and that he hopes I'm not mad at him. I was a bit at first but I couldn't be mad at him for too long. I was there to help him through it, we became a lot closer that day. Its like a bond we have now that can never be broken no matter what we both go through.

We finally reach the water fall and I can hear the water crashing from the rocks above to the water below. It was so peaceful I could probably fall asleep to that sound.

"I'm going to miss you" Sam fi ally says

"You already told me this" I say turning to him laughing.

"I know but I really am going to miss you, your like mg little sister that I never had, but we act like best friends" Sam laughs but he also starts crying in the process.

"Oh my god Sam" I say starting to ball my eyes out. I walk over to him and bring him in for a hug we both cried into each others shoulder just whispering 'its going to be ok' and 'your ok's' to each other to call us down.

We pull away and we wipe our tears from under our eyes. Laughing at how emotional we both are. This is why Sam and I are best friends, we could go from crying on our eyes out to laughing about it. #FriendshipGoals.

"They said if you do good and don't relapse in the next 6 months that you can leave" I say sniffling letting out a shaky breath.

"And I plan on not relapsing, I don't want to spend my whole life in here" he say laughing at the end.

For the next hour Sam and just talk about life, how we both want to move to California. So I can get my career going, and so Sam can be closer to the rest of the O2L boys. He also talked about how he felt guilty, not being there for his fans, feeling like he's letting them down.

"Hey Sam we should be getting back" I say throwing one more rock into the water below making it skip across the water.

"Yeah we should" Sam agrees standing up and brushing off the dirt on his jeans.

Once we entered Aspin Springs we signed the time back on the paper and slowly walked to our room. Taylor will be here any second I know Sam is dreading when he does.

As we enter our room I go to my bed and Sam goes to his.

"It's gonna be weird not waking you up every morning" Sam admits with a laugh

"It's really just going to be weird period" Sam exclaims. Seeing him like this broke my heart. I decided now was the best time to give him this.

"Here" I say digging through my bag pulling out a bote book walking over to Sam, plopping myself next to him.

"This is for you" I say setting it on his lap

"What is it?" He asks looking at me confused

"It's the journal I got in group, I was suppose to write down ways to help me get better, but I wrote down all our adventures we had here. All 2 months." I say with a smile showing off my teeth

"Its so you won't forget me" I say hugging Sam

"I could never, and thanks Lis it means a lot" he says rubbing my back in our hug.

"Alyyssaaa" a voice sing-songed it was Shelly

"Yessss" I say mocking her

"Taylor is here to take you home" she tells me. I smile and my heart starts beating faster.

But then I look back at Sam and it dies.

"Tell him I'll be out in a bit" I tell Shelly

She shakes her head and leaves. I immediately wrap my arms back around Sam, and again we both start crying.

"I love you so much Sam don't forget that" I him

"I love you Alyssa don't you forget that" he tells me

"Just read my journal and fill free to write in it as well, it could become a great story one day" I say getting up off of his bed grabbing all my bags.

"Maybe " Sam says in a whisper tapping his fingers on the notebook.

"Bye Sam" I say waving halfway out the doorway.

"Bye Alyssa"Sam waves and looks up at me with a smile.

I'm gone there's no turning back I'm walking to the door were I entered this place 2 months ago. I can see Taylor and Shelly taking. I smile and open the door. They both look towards me and smile, I love this everyone smiling.

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