Sam's story

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Alyssa's pov

Sam then takes us up yet another ramp that u guess leads to floor three. I really wonder what could be up here.

"This is floor three" Sam says and he did with the other two floors

"Um are we gonna go in or nah!? I ask

"We can't, this floor is for people who are suicidal, who need extra care. Also need to be watched 24/7" Sam informs me

"Oh wow" I say a bit shocked

"Yeah its kind of sad if you think about it" he says walking away from the door leaving me there "coming back to our room, or nah" he mocks me.

"Imma coming" I laugh and roll my eyes

Walking back down all the big ramps and little rmaps, the thought of Sam thinking it was sad about the kids on floor three. There is no doubt in my mind he hasn't thought about suicide before. I've seen the scars I don't know the story, but I know something horrible must have drove him to do this.

In no time we are back in our room. I feel awkward as fuck because I had no clue what to do. I decided to start unpacking all my stuff. Might as well get settled in knowing I'm most likely not leaving as soon as I would like to.

"So Lis have you always lived in North Carolina?" Sam asks trying to start a conversation

"Actually no I have only been here for about 4 months I use to live in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh to be exact. " I tell him setting some shirts in a drawer.

"Sweet I have never been there before. Maybe one day I can, when they finally let me out" he some what whispers the last part.

"So tell me about yourself Mr. Sam Pottorff. Or should I say Mr. YouTube famous Sam Pottorff. " I say looking over my shoulder to see his expression

"You know who I am?" He asks a bit shocked.

"Yeah like who doesn't know who you are?" I questioned with a laugh

"Haha I don't know" he laughs

"So answer my question tell me about yourself that I don't already know." I say "like why your here?" I asked but knew I shouldn't of but Yolo.

"Well um before I do you have to promise me that once I tell you, you can't go and tell everyone once you get out. Please I'm begging you" he says like a scared puppy

"Sam of course I won't I'm not pike that" I say shaking my head sitting down on his bed right in front of him.

"Ok so it starts way back in middle school around 7th and 8th grade." Sam begins and you could already hear the shakiness in his voice.

"So anyways I have always had really bad anxiety. As you probably know from YouTube. It was really hard for me to makes friends with my anxiety being so bad, but to add on with me having diabetes I was embarrassed to tell people about them. I did end up telling two people one being Kian and the other a close friend who now is dead to me. He told everyone and they started making fun of me for it. At first it didn't bother me, and having Kian there to help me sent a lot, but it just kept getting worst. I just couldn't handle it anymore so I cut. I did that for a good 4 years. No one noticed until until last year. Kian and I were doing a video and I took off my shirt and he saw the cuts on my stomach. Then he my arms, and legs. He begged me to stop I did for a little but then all the hate on YouTube Instagram and Twitter just threw me over the edge. Kian checked me in here 5 months ago. That's why I haven't been on social media and the only reason I have had some videos posted was because I filmed them before I came here. So basically that's why I'm here I've been about 3 months clean and I don't plane on doing it again anytime soon." Sam finished the last part with a smile.

He had tears in his eyes but he refused to let them slip. Me on the other hand I couldn't hold them in.

"Oh my god Sam" I cried bringing him in for a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so so so sorry, but I'm so happy your getting better, you deserve it" I say pulling away from our hug wiping my eyes.

"Thanks and its ok I'm learning to deal with it" he says shaking his head with that same small smile.

"But wait if you were checks din here 5months ago, how are you only 3 months clean?" I asked confused.

"Well when I first got put in here I was really mad and angry, I had no one to take it out on but myself. So I did some scoping of the place and found nothing. Until one day I was sitting in my "group" and under my chair I found a loose staple they use to staple the seat together with. I took that and used that for 2 months until I met McKenzie. She helped me stop" Sam says looking down at his hands with a bigger smile.

The biggest smile I have seen on his face this whole day. It made me smile.

I hugged Sam one last time before getting up and going into the bathroom to change.

I took off my pants and changed into funny PJ bottoms. Then I took off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. Its really the first time I have looked at myself in the mirror for a long while. I'm skin and bones really. You can count everyone of my ribs. Yet I still don't feel skinny.

I finish getting changed and walk back out to our room Sam is already under the covers half asleep.

I get under the covers in my bed and roll on my side so I'm facing the wall.

"Goodnight Sam" I say

"Good night Alyssa" Sma replies with a yawn

I laugh to myself before falling asleep.

**Authors Note**

Not the most exciting chapter but you learned about Sam lol.

What do u guys think so far bc tbh idk were I'm going with this book but its going somewhere

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