Well this is awkward

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Alyssa's pov

I opened the door revealing Jack. He looked at me with the biggest smile, but it faded once he saw I had a knife in my hand.

"Lis?" Jack questioned looking at the knife in my hand

"Oh this, I-I didn't know who was at the door" I say putting the knife down shrugging my shoulders. Making a face making Jacks unbelievable smile come back.

"You're so cute" he tells me pulling me in for a hug which I of course hug back taking in his smell. I always do to whoever I hug. Judge me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming, I probably wouldn't of been so scared. " I say laughing pulling away from our hug pushing back my bangs.

"I wanted to surprise you, but I know now if I want to surprise you that I need to do it in a place were there isn't any sharp objects" Jack tells me causing us both to laugh

"You know how I get scared easily" I say playfully smacking him on the shoulder.

"So where's the rest of the FAM?" Jack asked

"Uh Andrea and Jenn are shooting stuff with Awesomeness TV, and Acacia is out getting ice cream, but mostly getting lost" I say laughing at Acacia's stupidness.

"Oh so we're alone?" Jack asked in a sexy tone walking towards me, pulling me closer by my waist. I never knew he was so much taller than me. He used his I Dex finger to lift up my chin as I bit my lip, and we just stared at each other.

"God you're so beautiful" Jack gushed, his hot breath on my lips they were so close.

"I'm not though" I say pulling my gaze away from his, I couldn't look at someone while I felt like this.

"Lis yes you are!" Jack argued back. "You are beautiful inside and out. From your scar under your eye to your tiny feet. Your so beautiful in every way, why can't you see that?" Jack asked pulling me back to look at him, I wanted to cry but I don't because what is it going to do, make things worst and make me seem like a cry baby.

"I've always been embarrassed about my body" I admitted to him pulling down my shirt a bit. "I've always been hevaier when I was younger, and I didn't like that. I knew guys didn't like me because I was heavier." I finished feeling so low about myself lower than ever I don't know why just talking about this to Jack makes me feel like nothing. I know Jack we have talked for a while but still he doesn't know everything. He most likely knows about me going to the hospital because it was all over social media thanks reporter lady. Thought I could get away with that one guess not.

"Lis you should never feel like that, and those guys who didn't like you because of your weight are assholes who missed out on being in such a beautiful girls life" he tells me smiling causing me to smile.

"Thanks Jack, that helped a lot" I tell him meaning it.

Again we stared at each other for a bit but this time he moved closer and connected our lips, which hasn't been done in a while, and I missed it. Our lips moved in perfect sync, he guided me towards the couch in the living room laying me down so he's on top. His hands traveled up my shirt sending chills, leaving goose bumps all along my body. Jack removed his lips from time and he traveled down to my jawline then my neck leaving love bites. I knew that there was going to be a mark but who cares, that's what makeup for.

My hands tangled in his dark soft hair, as his hands pushed my shirt off of me. His shirt was soon off as well he was tugging on my shorts begging for me to let him take them off. Was I ready, I mean Jack isn't a virgin and I really like him, but do I really want to give my precious gift. The one thing that I can keep for however long I want, the thing that I'm suppose to give to the one I love.

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