Court Day

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Alyssa's pov

So today is the day, and by the day I mean the most stupidest day ever that I wish we could just skip over because who really gives a fuck. Cause I really don't. Today is the day I had to go to court with Madison for assault charges. I WS getting ready at the moment, and I can't wear what I usually wear. I wore a black pencil skirt, a white fancy button up shirt, and finished it off with black heels.

I did not look like myself, at all. no wigged eyeliner, and my hair for one did not match a sophisticated look I was attempting.

"Nash!" I yelled straightening the last piece of my hair.

"Yes my dear?" he ask poking his head dintot he bathroom.

"I don't wanna go, I don't want to walk out in public like this, I just ughaahh!" I screamed, and complained like a little kid.

"calm down, we will only be in there for two hours tops. Also you look hot in that skirt" Nash said smirking.

"Yeah don't get use to it" I say walking away grabbing my purse.

We both grabbed our things before getting in the car heading to the court house.

"How come you never pressed charges against me?" I ask Nash

"Well for one that's stupid, and two I always knew we would be back together eventually. Some how some way, and that's how you get your anger out." Nash tells me not taking his eyes off the road.

"What if we never did back together, would you of then?" I ask again. We were at a red light this time so Nash looked at me.

"Of course not, I'm not Madison, and Alyssa I love you, I mean that with all my heart no matter what you put me through, or I put you through. I know we will always love each other." Nash gushed looking me right in the eye.

"Awe Nash, I love how cocky you are" I say in a girly voice kissing him quickly.

He just rolled his eyes and started driving again. We eventually made it to the court house, and of course there were cameras. I am so not in the modd to answer any of their questions.

"Alyssa, why do you hate Madison so much?"

"Why is Madison pressi g charges?"

"Did you steal something?"

"Are you cheating on Nash with Jack again?"

The last question took me back made me pissed. This reporter didn't know anything, and he sure as hell doesn't know the story. I guess no one really does, besides our friends D's cause we told them. The fans and media only knows that Madison and I don't like each other.

"Ok look" I started turning to the guy "I never cheated on anyone, I was the one cheated on. So before you go around making up shit make sure you get your facts right!" I say the last part with anger before stopping away up the steps Nash behind me with his hand on the small of my back.

"Nash I don't fucking wanna be here I'm going to hit someone and there's actually gonna be witnesses this time" I exclaim waving my hands around like I always do.

"Lis please calm down your fine" Nash says all calm putting a hand on my shoulder making me look him in the eye. "come here" he said before bringing me in for a hug.

The case got started and let me just say I was over it as soon as we started.

"Ok so we are here for assault charges being pressed against Miss.Page, by Miss.Beer. Correct" the judge asked.

"Yes" Madison spoke

"How did this first incident happen?" the judge asked looking at Madison.

"Well it was at the mall in San Francisco, I was talking to Nash" she said pointing to Nash causing everyone to look. "And she just came up and started hitting me" she exclaimed.

"Care to add in Miss.Page?" the judge asked me. I gave her a fake smile and a nod before turning to Madison.

"Bull fucking shit, I didn't just start hitting you, you kissed my boyfriend and called me a bitch!" I yell, I don't think your aloud to cuss that much in a court room, but I just did.

"Language" The judge warned me.

"That's a total lie, Jack you were there you saw she just came up and hit me" Madison said scrambilibg as Jack stood up.

"Yes your honor, Alyssa just came up and hit her, they never kissed" Jack said before looking over and mouthing an "I'm sorry". I returned his sorry with a glare and the middle finger.

"I would like to call bull fucking shit in that, I was right there, Madison and I kissed that's what caused Alyssa to hit her!" Nash exclaims standing up.

We all started arguing back and forth it was really stupid, and if there wasn't a desk blocking me in to my little space behind the table I would be beating the crap out of Madison again.

"ENOUGH!" the judge yelled slamming her hammer thing making a bug boom causing everyone to go silent.

"ENOUGH WITHT HAT FOUL LANGUAGE! Now Miss. Beer considering you have no evidence and one witness that happened to be all the way across the room, I am calling that Alyssa Page not guilty on the first charge" she says slamming her hammer thing again.

"WHAT!" Madison exclaims in her squeaky voice.

"Yeah that's right bit- butthole" I say stopping myself from swearing before sitting back down again.

"Now let's begin on the second incident" The huge says eyeballing Madison and I. I could tell she was done with us, and this whole case. I'm just like, I'm so with you.
"Ok so again Miss Page assaulted, Miss Beer" she said I cringed at the word assault it's wasn't assault just a slight beating.

"And again Miss Beer do you have any evidence?" she asked looking at her knowing that she most likely didn't.

"Jack was there again, and they broke up during this time, and again she just came up and starting hitting me.$ Madison said yet again.

"Oh my god, no I didn't Jack and I were still dating, you and Nash were still dating, you a liar and a cheater!" I exclaim.

The room was quite for a long time, Madison and I giving escorted looks, as the judge looked through some papers.

"Again I pronounce Alyssa Page not guilty, all charges are dropped. Case closed" she said with a final slam of her hammer thing.

I had the biggest smile on my face and so did Nash. Madison stated throwing a temper tantrum, making Jack quickly take her outside.

"Dude let's go home, and eat some pizza and mt dew and then ice cream. I just feel amazing!" I yell to Nash before kissing him on the lips.

We just laughed before heading out right to our car and home.

**Authors Note**

thx again for the reads tell ur friends, vote, comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social medias.

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Kik LyssaDallas11

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