Arrested again?!

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Alyssa's pov

Right now we are all getting up, well trying to get one another up because today is the boys only off day and AC and I leave to go back to North Carolina tomorrow. Really we are all just going to hang out. Like go to the mall get food that kind of stuff.

"Nash you almost ready" I called out to Nash brushing out my freshly straightened hair.

"Yeah are you?" Nash asked walking in to the bathroom pushing back his hair.

"Ya" I sat ad he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as he leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I kissed back of course pulling away with a smirk.

"Ahh!" Nash screamed jerking back away from me.

"What happened?" I asked startled

"I just burnt my hand on you hair thing" he shouts before clutching his hand muttering curs words.

"I might of forgot to turn that off" I say trying to laugh turning off my straightener
"You ok babe?" I ask taking his hand and running it under cold water.

"Yeah but it hurts like a bitch" he hisses as the water touches his skin, again I try not to laugh.

"You need to stop straightening your hair anyways, your gonna fry it off one day" Nash tells me

"And until that day imma keep straightening it" I say walking back into the room sliding on my black vans.

We all met up down in the loby to figure out what we wanted to do. Nash and I wanted to go shopping, so did the Jack's. Everyone else either said they were going to the movies or going to the beach.

"So y'all coming out with any new music?" I ask both of the Jack's as I lace my fingers with Nash's.

"Actually yeah really soon" Jack G tells me with young Johnson agreeing

We eventually made it to the mall and we basically went our sepret ways.

"Ok all meet back here in and hour?" I ask looking at the boys. They shake there heads "yes" , and I'm off to Pacsun.

I literally love this store. While I'm in there I got two new Young and Reckless shirts, a new snapback, some jeans because they are one of the only stores that sell pants for short people. Also got a couple crop tops for summer, lastly with some shorts. Because I honestly can't wear black jeans all summer long. That's why I wear black shorts.

Basically after I left, I spent enough money that I probably won't be going shopping for a good 2 to 3 months. I look at my phone a so exist the store with my many bags and see it 4 already. Its been a little over an hour and I decided to head back to were we are all suppose to meet.

I see Jack and Jack sitting in a table talking, but I don't see Nash. I look around and I spot him his back is turned to me, and I wish he wouldn't of moved.

As soon as he moved to lean on the wall next to him I could see who he was talking to. It was Madison Beer. I truly hate this girl, I've had a run in with her before when I had a meet up a while back. Let's just say she's sings like a dying cow, but that's actually and insult to dying cows.

Usually I would walk right up to her and smash her face in but I remember what Sam told me, I can't jump to conclusions. That's why him and his girlfriend didn't work out.

So I wlaked over to were the Jacks were sitting and sat down as well.

"Hey Lis, what you do buy the whole store" Johnson exclaims looking g down at my bags.

"You could say" I replied still looking at Nash and Madison faking a laugh and smile.

They go and have their own conversation seeing that I'm not really paying attention. I watch as she puts her hands all over his chest. He pushes her away a little, but still not like "get the fuck off of me" it was like "I have a girlfriend but I can't seem to remember her name and she's not around, that I know of."

Every Good Boy Needs a Bad Girl (Nash Grier FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now