New friends

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Alyssa's pov

I placed my hand in Nash's and he led me over to the big group of people that I didn't know. My hands started to sweat and I started to shake, oh my god why does this keep happening to me. I tried to remember what Sam told to do when I felt like I was having a panic attack. To take deep breaths and look up at the ceiling, go to your happy place.

"Hey guys this my girlfriend Alyssa" Nash introduced me

Suddenly I felt a burst of confidence, my hands stopped sweating and shaking. I felt like a normal human being for once.

I got a chourus of "hey" "hi" "what's up" from all of them. They all greeted me with smiles which is a good start I think.

"Ok so this Matt, Carter, Jack G, Jack J, Aaron, Mahogany, and Jacob." Nash finishes off.

"Well its nice to meet y'all" I say with a smile.

"Ok can you please show me were the bathroom is, these boys are no help and this is your house" the only girl Mahogany asked me with a laugh that I swear is contagious.

"Yeah you can use mine" I say walking up the steps Mahogany following behind me.

"Its through there, I'll be out here when your done" I tell her. She shakes her head and walks to the bathroom.

This is the first time I've been in my room in 2 month oh god how I've missed it. I just jump on my bed and stretch myself out, as usual every bone in my back cracked which felt amazing.

I heard the toilet flush and Mahogany wlak out.

"Yo your penny board is so dope" she eclaims seeing my penny board by the bathroom door.

"Thanks my friend Acacia got it for me before I moved" I say remembering that sad day

"That's so cool we should go penny boarding sometime" Mahogany say

"Ya that would be fun" I say as we both excited my room back down stairs were everyone else is.

Everyone is talking talking to someone so Mahogany and I go and sit at the kitchen table and just chill and ty to get to know each other.

"So you and Nash huh?" She questions lifting her eyebrows.

"Yeah its quiet a story on how we ended up together." I admit

"Ohh story time" she exclaims I love this girl

"Well when I first moved here, I thought he was really cute, and all. But then I got to know him kind of and we instantly became enemies. We were like that for a while, then I went to a rehabilitation center thing, and I don't know he apologized asked me out, and 2 months later we are here" I find sh with a laugh

"Oh wow, if that was the short version, bet the long version could be made into a story" Mahogany exclaims taking a drink of her Arizona.

"Probably, who knows one day I might just write it" I say

"That's one book I would defiantly read" she tells me laughing

"Hey Alyssa long time no see" a voice said from behind me. I spun around and a smile crept on my face.

"Oh my god Cameron!" I shout hugging him

"Hey Lis how have you" Anne said as I hug her to.

"Better than I use to be" I say causing all of us to laugh

"So how have you two been since the party" I say poking Cam trying to embarrass him

"We have been good dating for..." Cameron trailed off, my eyes went wide. Cameron is not the kind of guy who would forget something like that.

Every Good Boy Needs a Bad Girl (Nash Grier FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now