Cheater cheater pumkin eater

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Nash's pov

"Are you sure you can't cancel on the boys, so we can go out?" Madsion whined in her annoying voice which now all of a sudden I'm just now noticing.

"I can't babe, Taylor goes on tour soon and we all want to hang out before he leaves" I say trying my best not yell at her for what she did to me, God I hang out with Lis for a day and she's rubbing off on me again.

"Oh ok, well I hope you have fun. I'll see you tomorrow babe" she says totally normal now. Like a second ago she was all sad now she's acting all happy. God why did I ever date her.

I quickly texted Lis and told her that I just told Madsion I can't hang out. I set my phone down and started to get ready for Alyssa's performance.

Madison's pov (one time thing)

When Nash told me he couldn't go one a date or hang out I was kinda happy, because I wanted to hang out with Jack. Its been like 4 days since we saw each other. I wish he would just dump Alyssa already I really hate her to be honest. She has no talent and she only got famous because she dated Nash. And the only reason I'm dating Nash is for his money, but I do love Jack just doubeling my money here.

I called Jack to see what we are doing tonight.

"Hey babe, what are we doing tonight?" I asked right away

"Hey babe, uh I have to go to Alyssa's concert tonight" Jack tells me sighing, I literally hate her so much

"Can't you skip it, its not like she'll notice anyways, besides you can't even understand what she's saying all she does is scream. " I say all annoyed.

"Why don't you just come, and while she's preforming, we can you know go out back" that brought a smile to my face.

"Sounds like a plan babe, text me the details" I say before hanging up not even waiting for his reply.

Tonights gonna be fun, maybe he'll finally break up with her ugly ass.

Alyssa's pov

Well Jack is at my apartment, and I just heard him in the bathroom on the phone talking to none other than Madison Beer. It discussed me, they discussed me mostly Madsion though.

The talking stopped and the door started to open, I quickly got up and ascted like I was just walking past to get to my room.

"Hey babe, are you nervous?" Jack asked as he grabbed my waist kissing my for head.

"Just a little" I say all sweet before he pulls me in for a hug, as I mentally gag, because those lips have touched Madison's. That means I now how to boil, my forehead, cheeks, neck, and my lips and all the silverware he's ever used. I don't know were she's been.

Jack then started to kiss down my neck, making me almost want to vomit. So I stopped things before I did.

"Jack later, I have to get ready" I say before wlaiing away. Little does he know there will never be a later.

I quickly shut my door and lock it taking in a deep breath. I don't know if I'm nervous because I'm preforming live for the first time in front of people, or because Nash and I are gonna catch some cheaters tonight.

I walked to my closet, and put on my concert outfit which was nothing really special, just black high waisted shorts with black tights that were ripped under them, with a white shirt that had a skull on it. Did my make up and hair then finished it off with my black combat boots.

**Skip to concert**

I was backstage with my band getting prepared. Jamie or bass was fixing his the strings on his guitar. Lucy our drummer tapping lightly on the table. With Dominic giving himself a pep talk, and his guitar. He's weird but an amazing guitar player so I don't question it. I looked out from behind the curtain and saw at least 500 people. Like what the fuck I had no idea this many people were gonna be here now I'm even more freaked out than before.

Every Good Boy Needs a Bad Girl (Nash Grier FanFic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now