I dont belive you!!!

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Alyssa's pov

It rang a couple times until he finally answered,I was nervous my palms were sweaty and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I heard muffiling on the other end before he spoke.

"Lis?" Nash said more like a question.

"Yeah. Its me". Say with a little laugh earning one from him as well.

"Not to be rude but umm why you are you calling me?" He asked I could hear the confusion in his voice.

"I um wanted to know if you wanted to meet up, I huh have something very important to tell you." I stammer a bit but still hold my composer.

"Uh sure, Starbucks at 2?". He asks

"Sounds good I'll text you, uh bye Nash" I say so awkwardly

"Bye, Lis" Nash said just as awkwardly.

We hung up at the same time and I started to get ready. Threw on a random shirt and a random pair of shorts. With a beanie and my black converse grabbed some money threw it in my back pocket took my phone off the charger and walked out of my apartment. I decided to walk there considering its only a couple blocks away and to be honest I need to get out more so some walking will do me good.

I walked into the Starbucks and scanned the room, Nash wasn't here yet so I went and ordered my drink, once my drink was ready I took a seat in the corner so people couldn't see but at the same time they could. I waited about 10 mins and Mash finally arrived. He walked over to the table I was sitting at and the heat was rising in my face, I didn't want to tell him about this I didn't want to see him hurt, yeah I was hurt but I just don't show it. I was more angry with Jack then upset. I know he really likes Madison too and I don't want him to think I'm trying to ruine his relationship.

"I uh already got you a drink" I say sliding his coffee towards him.

"You still remember what I get?" He asked shocked with that gorgeous smile.

"How could I forget, we went to Starbucks like every other day and you order the same thing every time." I say laughing causing him to, to. This was nice it felt like old times. It didn't even feel like we broke up like we haven't skipped a beat in our relationship.

"So uh what was the important thing you had to tell me?" Nash asked leaning forward sipping his drink his full attention on me and what I had to say.

I started to bite my lip and scrunching up my nose as I do in any awkward situation with me also biting inside of my cheek.

"Lis?" Nash questioned waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, but uh what I had to tell you is uh... just know this hurt me as well, and I don't want to see you hurt but, Madison is cheating on you." I say I couldn't believe that just came out of my mouth it was like word vomit. Nash looked at me dumbfounded mouth the slitest bit eyes widened.

"Uhm Nash?" I asked now me waving my hand in front of his face.

"You're lying" he tells me

"Excuse me?!" I asked shocked, how dare he think I'm lying.

"I said you're lying , I don't believe you!" He said again a little louder. He then processed to get up and wlak out of Starbucks, me of course hot on his heels. Hell no he's not talking to me like that and getting away with it, he should know this.

"What the fuck Nash why don't you believe me?" I asked/ yelled pulling back his shoulder, well more like the arm of his jacket because he's like 10 feet taller than me.

"Beacsue you are most likely making shit up, to break up Madison and I. You're just a crazy ex girlfriend!" He yells to me.

For some reason the last part took me back a but, was I really a crazy ex girlfriend, was I a crazy girlfriend, or am I just a crazy person in general. I could find the urge to yell at him I didn't know what to say, it was like I was laying down and soemone dropped a thousand pounds on me crushing every bone in me.

"And the reason why you're probably doing this is beacsue Jack broke up with you or something, or you're not happy so you go and try to ruin my life, and my relationship. And I thought you didn't want to hurt me." Was Nash's final words before he started to walk away.

"NASH!" I shouted to get to stop walking and look back at me. "Ya I didn't want to hurt you, that why I told you,and the only reason why I'm telling you is because Madsion is cheating on you with Jack" I tell him raising my head a little higher so no tears would fall.

"Yeah I know I'm crazy but maybe I'm crazy because I care" I state before walking away leaving Nash there to stand in the middle of the sidewalk confused and hurt that's what I didn't want to happen. I walked all the way home but as soon as I entered the apartment I slid down the door tears falling fast out of my eyes I couldn't control them. Realization that Jack was cheating on me finally hit me, and it hit me good. And to think I thought I truly loved him, I was so wrong. I always date the guys who are never good for me. Except Nash.

I guess I was crying pretty hard because next thing I know Jenn, Acacia, and Andrea come running over to me one on each side and one in front just comforting me.

"Oh my god Lis what happened?" AC asked concerned as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Lis please answer us" Andrea begged as I couldn't stop crying

"Lyssa tour ok shhh" Jenn said rubbing my back.

Once I calmed down I told them everything from Jack acting all weird to me seeing the DMS, to finally what happened not even half an hour ago.

Acacia was pacing back and forth because of Nash she was ranting on how much he's a dick, and that next time she sees him she going to kill him.

Andrea and Jenn were just sitting there with me watching Acacia. I have stopped crying and now my face just feels all tight from the dored tears.

"I hate my life" I say out of blue only in a whisper though so Acacia wouldn't hear me she would flip if she heard me say that.
"Don't say that Lis" Andrea tells me

"Well I do, its just one crazy mess. I can never catch a break. If I would have never left Pennsylvania none of this would of happened. I would have never met Nash we wouldn't of fought, we wouldn't of dated, we wouldn't have broken up, he wouldn't of hurt me" I say still looking forward. I feel Jenn and Andrea's gaze now face my face.

They both hugged my arms that were propped up on my kneesi leaned my head on Andrea's head and we all let out a big sigh at the same time cashing us to laugh. Our laughter was cut short though when a knock was ts the door.

Wonder who it could be?

*"Authors Note**

Hello my babes, how did u like hope u liked it. 59k reads that's crazy ILYSM U HAVE NOOO IDEA.


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