chapter nine, practice.

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- Theodore -

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- Theodore -

English class was nearly as painful as my balls. Matt's really, really trying with her. I nearly stabbed my eyes out when I saw him flirting with her, but the worst part was watching her go along with it. The way she'd laugh at his jokes or softly slap his arm.

I really thought it was going good, hell, she kissed me first in that closet. Then the way she acted in the lab... I thought we were doing ok.

I hate the control she has over my emotions. I'm never jealous, I've got no one to be jealous of. It's not jealously, I'm just... protective? Worried. I'm just worried about my friend.

Fuck, no I'm not.
I'm not worried about her because he's a bad person, I'm worried about her because he's a good person. I know I'll barely ever get to see her if she gets a boyfriend, and I'll never get to kiss her again if she does.

I spent the last five minutes of class talking to Katie. That's how desperate I was. She briefly asked me about Cami but I shut it down and asked her about volleyball and soccer, partially because I know she's big into her sports and partially because I wanted to know when Camila has volleyball practice.

Katie and I followed Camila and Matt out of class, and I think she could tell how much seeing them annoyed me.
"Hey Matthew, Camila." She caught up with them and walked alongside Matt.

I sped up so I was beside Camila but she barely reacted.

"Where are you eating lunch?" I asked her, hoping it would separate them if we start different conversations.

"Probably the cafeteria, wanna sit with us?"

Us. No I really don't. "Sure."


Sitting down at the table felt like one of the most awkward double dates ever.
We've got Katie and I, the two that messed around all summer, and Camila and Matt, who are going on late night ice cream dates and currently eye fucking each other.
Only problem is, Katie and I never actually liked each other, and Cami is having, or had, I'm not sure, an affair with Matt's friend slash coworker, A.K.A me.
Oh and to top things off Katie thinks I'm in love with Camila and Matt thinks Cami likes him and neither of them know we gave each other oral 24 hours ago.

But apart from that, it isn't awkward at all.

"Cam are you coming to volleyball after school?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Has basketball got a meeting today?" Matt asked me.

"Um yeah, ours is 'til 4 too."

"I was going to look into starting."

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