chapter fourty-four, house 14.

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- Zoe -

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- Zoe -

"Well now you have me and my amazing advice."

"Thank you."

"What are sisters for?"

"Enough about me- how was Klaus Mikaelson?"

"He's hotter than Klaus! Okay, you ready? So basically..."


"Seriously! Where did that guy come from?"

"Sent from the gods I think, and carved like a greek one." I shrugged. "So- what time is Matt coming?"

My number one mission is to make sure my sister keeps her head straight. She's too nice to reject Matthew but she needs to grow a pair of balls. This is like team Edward or team Jacob; team Stefan or Damon and Peeta or Gale. I barely know this Matt guy but if Theo doesn't like him, I don't like him, period. I'm team Theo, all the way.


"Seven p.m. curfew."

"That's suspicious though-"

"Can I come? We can pretend I just had my heartbroken and I need ice cream and then I'll third wheel to keep him from trying anything."

"We can't do that!"

"Ugh. Tell him you're having dinner at that time so to come a bit later, and then I'll say 'nine p.m. curfew' when he comes to pick you up."

"That's like, two hours..."

"Well then make him hate you so much he brings you home early."

"Easier said than done."

"Just think about Theo the whole time. Does he know about this?"


"Wait what? You're gonna tell him though, right?"

"How though? Hey Theo, just went out with Matthew, but don't worry, we're just friends. Sound believable?"


"Nope, because he'll twist those words and he'll hear - Hey Theo, went on a date with my boyfriend, we kissed and had sex and I hate you."

She ran her hands through her hair and I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Look at you, with all your boy problems and shit."

"Who would've thought..."

"Wait- I have an idea."


"What if, you text Matt now, you tell him you can't do tonight, but you can do this afternoon. Then, for example, if he comes at four say I want you home for dinner by five. Then tonight you come home, clear things over with Theo and go to school tomorrow as boyfriend and girlfriend."

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