chapter fourty-six, big sister.

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- Theodore -

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- Theodore -

"Honey, I'm home!"
I pulled away from Mom's embrace. You've got to be kidding me.
"Where's my babygirl- oh, there you are Britney!"

Mom gave me a smirk, walking back towards the kitchen while I followed right behind. "Benjamin, this is Theo."

A small man, five foot five, six, at a push stood before me, with the red cat in his arms. His dark hair was held back in a way-too-tight man bun, and his short beard was neatly trimmed. His outfit was nothing shy of extravagant- a purple scarf wrapped around his neck, covering his blue trench coat that reached down to his knees.

"Oh my, darling, you never told me he was so..."
So what, Benjamin?
"Tall. Handsome. So like you!"

"He's still my baby boy." Mom smiled. "Theo, this is Benjamin, my roommate."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled a genuine smile. Mom doesn't have a boyfriend.
God I need to stop presuming everyone is straight.

I stood before him awkwardly, unsure if I should shake his hand or not. Rebecca returned from the bathroom and quickly read the situation. "Oh, hi. I'm Rebecca."

"Lovely to meet you! I've heard so much about both of you. Should I make drinks?"

"That would be great."

We sat around the sofa's in the sitting room and after a minute or two Benjamin returned with a tray full of glasses.

"Ben is an artist and designer." Mom explained, "It's his work on the walls." She gestured to the blobs of paint on the canvases around the room.

"They're really cool." I lied through a smile.

"Thank you very much."


We must have spent at least an hour, if not two, talking about Becca and I. I enjoyed watching Benjamin pretend to understand what I was saying while I talked about basketball. He's actually a nice guy.
"When's your next game?"

"First one of the season is this week, I think. I'll find out tomorrow at training."

"Can I come watch?" Becca asked.

"How long are you staying for?"

"Until this weekend."


"I've got to get back to work soon, anyone know the time?"

I pulled out my phone to check, seeing a notification from Cam.
*Hey, how's everything going? Tell your mom I said hi.*

"It's five forty-five... excuse me for a second."
I headed into 'my' bedroom, closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed.

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