chapter 12

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willows pov:

we finished our food and payed for it before we walked out again and to the back, where billies car was. it is crazy.

we listened to some music while we just drove around. we didn't have any better ideas so that was what we were doing now.

suddenly billies phone rang, which was connected to the speakers, and finiiiii appeared on the screen.

"fin? i'm in the car with will right now. what is it?"

"oh, sorry. hi will, if you can hear me."


i said shyly. was i nervous as fuck? yes. after all, he was a part of billies family and i wanted to make a good first impression.

he laughed at the other end.

"oh... well bil, i just wanted to ask when you can pick up shark because claudia and i wanted to go for a walk soon. we might be gone when you show up."

"when will you come back?"

"i don't know. but we planned on going for a few hours."

"nooo- okay. i'll pick him up before you go. i want my baby back."

"that's what i thought."

"alright, we'll be there in 15, i guess."

"you two?"

"yes, both of us. i'll see you soon."

she hanged up and sighed.

"i don't have to com-"

"nope, you will. he's not trusting you yet but i do, so it's fine."

i nodded in understanding. he had every right to be suspicious. we didn't even meet.

"sooo... you'll meet my little baby."

she smiled at the thought of him and i found it the cutest thing in the world.

"do you like dogs?"

"yes, i love them."

"good, so i already showed you what he looks like but he's really cute. i got him from an animal shelter and he loves playing with other dogs and he also likes to jump up on people but don't worry he doesn't bite.

he's actually the cutest little thing on earth and i love him so much. sometimes he does some really fucked up shit. once he shit all over my shoe collection. it was so much work, cleaning them all and when he was little, he pissed literally everywhere."

i just sat there and nodded at everything she told in high speed. suddenly she stopped herself and looked at me quickly.

"sorry- that was... too much."

she laughed and her cheeks blushed a little bit.

"it's all good. actually, i had a dog myself when i was a child. he passed away though."

"oh- i'm sorry."

"yeah, it's fine. it was a few years ago and he was old, so it was time for him."

"what was his name?"


i chuckled and she nodded.

we drove for another few minutes in silence before we stopped in front of house with some kind of blue window frames. it honestly looked really beautiful.

"we're here."

billie sprung out and i sat still.

"are you coming or what?"

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