chapter 36

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wills pov:



"will you be my girlfriend?"

that's a really unnecessary question, cause i mean, we all know the answer...


i couldn't stop smiling while i laid on my back staring at the ceiling. billie clung onto my while soft breathes escaped her mouth. 

she was sleeping with her head on my bare chest and her legs entangled with mine after some eventful hours.

she looked just like an angel. 

of course i said yes to being her girlfriend, what did you expect? 

the sight of the sheets only covering her ass, leaving her back uncovered made me realize once again how deeply in love with her i was already. 

i stroked a strain of hair behind her ear and watched as her nose scrunched up cutely. i then turned on my side which made her grumble because she rolled of me and pulled the covers further over our bodies. 

i wrapped my arms back around her torso and inhaled her smell before i closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber. 


"will! where are your towels?"

billie screamed from the bathroom and a laughed. i put down the knife which i had used to cut us some bread and made my way over to her. 

i knocked on the door. 

a second later it opened and in front of me stood a dripping wet billie, naked might i add. 

holy jesus. 

i couldn't get over how stunning her body looked. 

"i'm cold."

billie whined causing me to snap back into reality.


i walked over to the cabinet and opened the top drawer where the towels were. 

"here you go."

i gave her the towel without looking but soon felt wetness cover my shirt from behind and arms wrapped around my body.

i groaned.

"what did i give you the towel for, huh?"

"i don't know. you just work as fine."

"shut up. i'm mad at you. now i'm all wet."


i slapped her arm lightly before fighting my way out of her grasp. i found her pouting and holding the unused towel in her hand.

"don't be mad at me."

i rolled my eyes. i couldn't be mad at her for long. 

"you're lucky you're cute... and hot."

a smirk appeared on her face. i knew i shouldn't have said that. she reached out for me but i quickly ran out of the bathroom, laughing as i did. 

i heard her footsteps waddle behind me and soon felt her jump on me from behind. 

luckily, there were no windows around. imagine the headline- actually don't, that'd be a disaster. 

i turned around giving her a look. 

"girl- if you don't get dressed..."

"then what? you fuck me? cause i'd really like that."

i shook my head laughing, leaving her pouting.

i went back to preparing our breakfast and a few minutes i heard billie walk into the kitchen. her arms wrapped around me but she was fully clothed now. 

i turned around in her arms. her blonde hair was up in a bun with some strands hanging out of it. she smiled at me with one of her adorable smiles as i stroked her hairline at the back of her neck. 

she softly placed a kiss on my nose as my smile grew wider before i gave her a kiss on her chin. 

we stared at each others faces for a few more seconds before billie snapped out of it first.

"you made us food, i see."

"yeah, just some bread with avocado though."

"thanks baby."

we sat down at the small kitchen table and both began eating our bread.

by now bread or toast with avocado was almost like our food. we always ate it when we were together. 

"okay so i have this meeting with the label later and they're gonna tell me and finneas what'll happen and when. like, announcing the album ,doing the cover shoot, shooting music videos all that kind of stuff."

i nodded as i listened to her schedule. she certainly had a lot of things to do which meant i wouldn't be able to spend much time with her anymore. 

"i'm sorry, i'll be so busy."

"i mean it's your job."

"why do you sound mad?"

"i'm not, i'm just gonna be sad that i won't get to see you as much."

"well you shouldn't have agreed to being my girlfriend then."

"is this our first fight?"

i said worriedly. billie sighted but shook her head no. 

"c'mere baby."

she patted her lap and i quickly waddled over to her, burying my head in her chest.


"i'm sorry too."

"i'd rather spend time with you too, will, but i don't get to have a real choice."

"i know, it's okay. it's not your fault. but i'm gonna miss you when you work."

"and i'll miss you just as much. also i do wanna have you with me to some things."

"oh yeah?"

"yeah, there's that vogue shoot coming up."

a slight smirk appeared on her face.


i asked with a laugh.

"you're gonna have to wait and see but i know you're gonna like it."

i smirked back at her kind of suspecting some things.

"are you gonna make a nude shooting."

she bursted out laughing.

"before you see me doing that you're more likely to travel to mars and back."

"but i'm close, right?"

"be patient."

she gave me a dominating look, making my knees go weak. 

we had done it two more times after our date night. both times i was dominating her, making her squirm and cum but i knew that billie would really like to top me too.

i could see it in the way her eyes would always darken or how she got more commanding sometimes. but until now, she didn't top me.

i'd really like that though. 


(930 words) unedited

hi, hi. 

if you want anything specific to happen, any ideas, drama or not, something, i'm open for it so... 

also smut yes, no? outfits yes, no?

vote 'n shit. thank you:)) 

how are you?


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