chapter 45

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wills pov:

it's been three days since billie and i made up and i haven't seen her. on that day we fucked and cuddled until late at night until billie had to go home eventually because she had to get up early the next morning.

we had facetimed every day of course but only briefly because billie had been so busy. tomorrow she had one last appointment until she was free for a few days again.

besides missing her i was trying to find a good lawyer for the court date. caspers parents were both lawyers and pretty successful. i was probably gonna ask them but i desperately needed money before that.

my job as a photographer hasn't been going so well since covid. i barely had clients and didn't earn a lot. i could barely pay rent for my apartment. the thought of quitting had come to me a few times too since i didn't quite like it anymore before that but right now probably wasn't the right moment to do that.

i was scrolling through job ads when my phone rang and billie was trying to facetime.

"hi baby."

i smiled widely as i saw her pretty face appear on my screen.

"hi my love. you won't believe what just happened. someone proposed in the middle of the street."

"aww, really? and? did they say yes?"

"yeah they did. but seriously i probably would too if i was asked in front of a bunch of people. i wouldn't say no and embarrass the other person, y'know."

"yeah, i would like to have my proposal somewhere quiet and alone."

"good to know."

billie grinned from one ear to the other as i blushed.

"shut up."

billie fixed her eyes on the road since she was driving.

"the vogue shoot comes out next friday."

"for real?"

"mhm. i'm kinda scared."

"why are you scared? you look amazing in these pictures."

"thank you... i don't know, it's just something i've never done before. what if everyone hates it?"

"baby... there'll be hate, probably a lot of it. but people will just be jealous and then try to make you feel unconfident too. but, and that's what's important, people will also love it and drool over you because you look so fucking good."

billie blushed and squirmed in her seat.

"and because it's something you've never done before people will also love and hate it. but it's a shooting and you can do whatever and whenever you like, you got me? you'll always do whatever you feel like."

billie pouted.

"i love you, will. so much."

"i love you so much too."

"i miss you, i wanna see you."

"i miss you too."

"i gotta go, baby. momma is waiting for me already."

"'aight, bye, my baby. i love you."

"i love you too."

she kissed the camera and i mirrored her. i waved before she ended the call.

i really missed her even though it's only been three days. i thought for a second before i send a text.

momma maggie

You're Supposed To Be//Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now