Character sketch

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Avinash Chakravarthy

A spoilt brat, he was brought up by maids and caretakers that he despised. Being the heir of family involved in politics for generations, he was naturally expected to join into it but his dad wasn't interested in having him in the party. He was sent off to London at just eighteen years and has been on his own ever since. His credit and debit bills have no limits, he is the epitome of a spoilt rich kid. He has absolutely no responsibilities and is a game addict, but that doesn't stop him from topping the university and Is a bike race freak!!

 He has absolutely no responsibilities and is a game addict, but that doesn't stop him from topping the university and Is a bike race freak!!

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Shalini Mahadevan

A hard-working individual, she has a family to feed, a younger sister to marry off after she completes education and a younger brother to educate and a get a job to. After the passing of her dad a few years ago, everything had fallen on her shoulders, she had to quit her dreams of higher studies and had to take up a job giving up her DREAM. She worked hard from that point onwards and is currently the P.A of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Mahesh Chakravarty.

She and Avi were 'hi-bye' level friends because their dads worked together, they weren't very close, but knew each other.

She and Avi were 'hi-bye' level friends because their dads worked together, they weren't very close, but knew each other

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Abhimanyu Durairaj

A bike racer.

A bike racer

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Aruna Sathish

A medical school student in London

A medical school student in London

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