I swear to merlin... :// J

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A/N hey guys, this is my first time writing so please feel free to pick out any spelling mistakes or grammar issues but please don't judge I hope you enjoy and it's not totally terrible (regulus and Sirius are in the same year for this, remus and Sirius have yet to discover their feelings and regulus and James have been going out for around 3 months)

Trigger warnings: blood, bruises and scars mentions, I think it's quite angsty but it does get fluffy and mentions of violence but I think that's all.

I couldn't find the creators of the art but if I could I would give creds to them because I love them x

3rd person pov:
It was Sirius and regulus' 5th year at Hogwarts, Christmas was approaching and they knew mother dearest walburga would want them back at 12 Grimauld place just so she could screech insults at them. Like how Sirius was a disgrace to the 'noble house of black' and regulus was a fool for being gay. Nothing new basically. Sirius had woken up early for some unknown reason, he was never up early in fact. He strode down the stairs to the common room and exited the portrait hole, heading to the great hall hoping it wasn't to busy so it could be just him and his thoughts.

Sirius pov:
I was up early for some unknown reason, I was never up early in fact the marauders often had to drag me out of bed because they knew if I haven't sorted my hair out without being rushed there's going to be serious problems. I quietly went into the bathroom showered, fixed my hair and changed out of my pyjamas before tiptoeing down the stairs to the common room and exiting through the portrait hole, heading down to the great hall. I sat down in my usual seat and started putting some food on my plate, I looked around and there was only me, some Hufflepuff girls and regulus in the great hall. I suspected the Hufflepuffs were trying to study and regulus...well I don't exactly know what he'd be doing up so early. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a hand tapping me shoulder, I looked over and it was reggie he was sitting down next to me with a worried look on his face. We sat there for a minute in silence before I whispered
"Hey reggie" blankly not wanting him to be able to read my tone or facial expressions, he was good at that.
"Hey" he mumbled before asking "are you okay?"
I simply turned to him and plainly said "just thinking about Christmas with mother dearest, you?"
"Yeah me too, I bet she's bound to give me a lecture about why being gay is an insult to the black family name" a nervous chuckle escaped his lips as he finished. I gave him a small smile before saying "And I'll be getting screamed at, for being a disgrace to the 'noble house of black".
He looked at the time on his watch then said,
"Better get back to my table mail will be coming soon" and with that he left, the time was now 7:30 the marauders and I normally came down together at this time so I suspected they'd be here very soon.

James pov:
It was currently 7:00am and I noticed that Sirius wasn't here, I thought it was really unlike him because we normally have to drag him out of bed but I dismissed the though and got ready to head down to breakfast with the other marauders hoping to see Sirius there. I managed to get remus and Peter out of their comatose state and we all headed down to breakfast, each one of us questioning why Sirius or 'padfoot' was not in the dorm when we woke up. We eventually made it to the Gryffindor table noticing Sirius who looked like he had a rough night. "Hey pads, you alright mate?" I said while touching his shoulder, he looked over at me and said "yeah just thinking about Christmas with mother dearest" I knew his life at home was awful and Christmas was only two days away so, what else could he be thinking about. Me, remus and Peter all sat down and began eating. A few minutes later post arrived, a low and behold Sirius got a howler, I glanced over at the Slytherin table and reggie had one too. A pit sank in my stomach as I saw tears well up in his eyes as he ran out of the great hall, I ran after him and just hoped nothing bad would happen over Christmas.

Time skip to a few days into the Christmas holidays because I want to get it moving for you guys:

Sirius pov:
It was the second day of Christmas break and mother dearest had screamed at me and reggie to make our way downstairs, I never liked the stairs they were always rickety and made me uneasy. Before I knew it me and reggie were standing in front of mother dearest. She started screeching with that shrill voice of hers but I blocked it out. Being so used to it made it easy and soon it was just white noise, like chatter in the great hall at meal times, around five minutes passed but I was snapped back into my thoughts when she screamed this at me "Sirius you are a filthy loathsome evil little blood traitor you do not deserve to live!" She boomed and I fell silent a blood traitor was one of the worst insults in the wizarding world, that's when I heard another voice shouting. It was reggie's. "No. He. Is. Not you don't deserve to be a mother to such an amazing kid like Sirius, you know what? You don't even deserve to be a parent at all do y-" his screams were silenced by one word that left walburga's mouth "crucio!" All she did was watch in pleasure while regulus' screams of pain and fear filled the walls of grimmauld place. I started screaming telling her to stop but that only earnt me a punishment from my father who was now present in the room. Around thirty minutes passed before my 'parents' were rushing out the door to a death eaters meeting. I saw reggie's limp body on the floor and picked him up with all the strength I could gather, grabbed bags of our belongings I'd packed a while ago and headed to James' house.

Sorry hermione walburga's coming for you

Time skip: James house'

Sirius pov:
I knocked on James door, so nervous he wouldn't be home, regulus was still unconscious sprawled out in my arms with blood dripping down his nose and seeping through his shirt, he had bruises on his cheeks and arms primarily and small cuts anywhere from his shoulders to his feet. I had bruises and cuts everywhere and blood was dripping from my nose and my left forearm. That's when the door suddenly swung open. 'Oh thank merlin' I thought. It was James "Sweet mother of merlin! Are you okay?" He let out clearly worried "I'm fine, but reggie isn't" I muttered while explaining the whole thing to James. He then quickly shouted for euphemia and she came rushing down the stairs and once she saw me and regulus, she ushered me to lay him down on a nearby sofa while she began tending to injuries. I got myself cleaned up and went to James' room pacing muttering things like 'it should've been me'.
'It wasn't meant for reggie.'
'It's all my fault.'
Eventually a few hours passed and mrs potter finally came upstairs and told me and James he was ok. I gave regulus a long hug before leaving to let him and James talk.

James pov:
Regulus was finally awake I thought and rushed down the stairs I saw Sirius just leaving before going and sitting next to reg on the sofa.
"Hey" I mumbled hoping that he was ok. "Hey I'm ok and I'm glad Sirius is ok." "Your probably one of the bravest people I know." I said with a smile plastered on my face "I mean you saved Sirius." "I'd do anything for my brother and he's done it for me before, so I thought I'd help him this time." He said before I leaned in for a soft kiss. We ended up cuddling with regulus laying on my chest and we woke up to Sirius laying upside down on an armchair who was trying to get up but couldn't, so we all just sat there laughing until me and my parents decided Sirius and reggie were staying with us for holidays.

Ok this was my first part to my oneshots book hope you enjoyed and it wasn't terrible I re-wrote this because it was a one shot I had from around two months ago that I never published, please leave requests in this section because I have no idea what to do for the next one shot and I only do fluff and maybe some angst no smut. I think this was quite angsty then it got fluffy let me know what you think.
See you in the next one~ late_night_reader_x

Jegulus and wolfstar oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें