Teasing triumph :// W

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A/N: Hey loves! This was from my options chapter and I kind of, totally forgot about it and I took a break because I just had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't really have time and I didn't fancy writing... because of many things. Mainly having no motivation to do anything so yeah that was great! Not but anyways. Here it is! I'm sorry it's really late my lovelies x

Hope you enjoy!

It was a random Sunday night and Sirius was in the mood for some mischief. The marauders hadn't planned many pranks lately so life was a little on the boring side. Sirius took this as the perfect opportunity to tease his boyfriend Remus Lupin. Sirius knew Remus thought it was extremely sexy when he tied his hair up in a bun because he'd blurted it out when he was commentating a quidditch game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. So Sirius flipped his hair forward and put his curls into a messy bun and held it up with his wand, letting a few loose curls fall out, framing his face. Then he took the spare pair of James' glasses with no prescription and put them on. Then he accio'd his hand mirror and put on some black eye-liner, making sure it was even before he began to look over his three page potions essay for Slughorn, that was due the next day.

Remus was in the library studying for Ancient Runes and Sirius had told him earlier he'd wait up for him. Remus would be in for a real treat when he got back to the common room that night after his studying in the library . A couple of hours passed and Sirius watched as less and less people remained in the common room, after another twenty minutes the last few seventh years left the common room, obviously calling it a night and going to their respective dorm rooms.
Sirius was only waiting for around five more minutes before the portrait of the fat lady swung open revealing one Remus Lupin in his sweater and his light chestnut trousers, with books in hand.

"Hey lo-" Remus cut himself off as he looked Sirius up and down a few times, before biting his pink lips. "Like what you see?" Sirius fluttered his eyelashes as he gazed into Remus amber eyes. "You look sexy." Remus licked his lips, staring down at Sirius. "Just sexy?" Remus smirked. "Not just sexy, really sexy." Remus leaned down and Sirius shivered, feeling Remus' hot breath on his earlobe. Sirius pulled Remus even closer by his sweater so their bodies were pressed against each other. Their faces being lit by the hue of red and gold flames burning in the common room.

Hogwarts was silent, the only sound being Sirius' and Remus' breathing. Remus toyed with some of the curls that had fallen around Sirius' face. "Do you like my hair? I had to put it up because it kept falling in my face, then I had to-" Every time Sirius spoke he brushed his lips against Remus' but pulled away before the latter could kiss him. His low voice was cut off by Remus. "Shut up and kiss me." The latter grabbed a handful of Sirius' queen T-shirt and pulled Sirius impossibly closer to him.

Remus connected their lips hungrily, mumbling a "This is what you get for teasing." Into their lips, and he took this as his opportunity to slip his tongue into Sirius mouth. Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus neck, pulling him down and closer to him. Remus had pulled Sirius wand out of his hair and his hands were ruffling Sirius' curls as he leaned down to kiss the shorter boy. They broke apart panting and gasping for air as they gazed at each other lovingly. Sirius led Remus to one of the Red sofas in the Gryffindor common room and told him to sit down, to which he obliged. Sirius then wrapped his legs around Remus' waist and sat down in his lap, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of his neck. He then kissed Remus passionately, leaning into him.

Remus reciprocated the kiss, gripping Sirius' hips tightly. "You know I love you, so much right." Sirius breathed out, still a little out of breath. "I love you so much more." Remus spoke, as he pressed their foreheads together. "I would argue, but I'm tired so I'm going to let you have it. This one time." Sirius gave Remus a semi-pointed look but it soon morphed into a cute yawn and he laid his head on Remus' shoulder. "Okay, my love, let's head to bed. Do you want me to carry you?" Remus looked down, expecting an answer but he was only met with Sirius' soft snores. "Guess I am either way." Remus chuckled to himself, standing up and holding Sirius under his thighs, making sure his legs were still wrapped around him as he walked up the stairs to the marauders dorm.

He slowly opened the door, tiptoeing in and shutting it quietly to avoid waking James, Peter or Sirius. He laid his boyfriend gently on his and Sirius' beds that they'd pushed together. Then he got changed into a pair of jogging bottoms, before he took his jumper off and slipped it over Sirius' head and changed him into a pair of his own jogging bottoms, knowing Sirius got cold during the night. He peeled back the covers and got situated under them, carefully pulling Sirius into his chest and tucking them both under the covers. Remus kissed Sirius' head of curly black hair, then his forehead. "Night Sirius, I love you."

Tonight had been quite the teasing triumph.

A/N: Hey loves! I loved writing that, I thought it was cute and flirty because I really don't like writing smut and I'm not good at it x

Remus carrying Sirius up the stairs because he fell asleep>>> Wolfstar is too cute, I can't with them. They're setting my expectations far too high!
Honestly fictional characters...am I right? Haha x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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