Therapist friend :// J

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A/N: hey everyone my day has been shite. So I need some sad Jegulus I'm my life right now. I'm sorry if I make you cry I knew I cried writing this. Hopefully you don't cry too much. Sorry! Hate me later x
TW's: mentions of sexual assault, abuse, violence, under-eating, over-exercising, blood.


He's not ok.

James potter. I bet the name rings a bell, he's the mum of the group, the one who cares a lot sometimes too much, the ones who's always joking, the one everyone vents to, the great advice giver, the smiley one, the optimistic one, the care free one, the loving one, the perfect one.
Well...this was what James let show. Nobody knew what lie behind that mask and fake smile that he put on most days, to please everybody.
James was a people pleaser, he made sure everyone else was absolutely fine before even worrying about himself. He was the boy who cries himself to sleep at night with no apparent reason, the boy who had random panic attacks alone, the boy who loved too much, the boy who in reality didn't have it all. Yes James was privileged in life but that doesn't always mean he was happy. There was one thing that always haunted him. His uncle. His uncle was a vile man, with no self decency. James often goes there for holidays whilst his parents are on trips for auror missions. And well... nothing ever goes right whilst he's there. It always ends in blood, sweat and tears... which together isn't great.

James was out on the quidditch pitch. Again. He'd been spending so much time out there, any free time he had he'd be there. Especially during meals, he'd often skip meals and just tell the rest of the marauders 'oh don't worry I ate earlier' with a winning Fake smile just to tide them over. Ever since that Easter break, James hasn't been the same. Time trailed on and his friends eventually dragged him to dinner in the great hall. James felt sick to his stomach. The array of foods and smells made him nauseous, but of course he didn't say anything. He just watched as his friends piled their plates while he pushed a few roast potatoes and peas around his plate. James was slowly loosing touch of reality, that was until Sirius' voice snapped him out of his daydream. "Prongs? You alright mate?" James just turned to him and nodding smiling, before getting up and making the excuse of he was tired and wanted to get an early night in. What James didn't know was that Regulus was watching the whole ordeal from the Slytherin table. He was worried about James, he couldn't place his finger on why, but it didn't matter. He was just worried.

James didn't go to the dorm, he wandered down the dim corridors. His mind racing at one hundred miles per hour. His heart thundered in his ears as he came to a secluded corridor on the outskirts of the grounds. No idea that regulus was following him. James turned one last corner before he sat on a small ledge, softly crying into his hands. Approaching slowly regulus wandered over, still not knowing why he cared about someone he deeply l...hated. "Potter..." he whispered, just loud enough for James to hear. James' head shot up "oh, sorry. Anything I can help you with." Wiping his eyes with his jumper sleeve. "Why were you crying? And why didn't you eat at dinner?" The boy replied looking into his glassy eyes. "Why do you care?" James asked looking away from regulus and out of the window. Regulus just cocked an eyebrow and gave him that look that says 'James don't be a fucking twat just tell me' the older boy huffed before opening his mouth to speak.

"Right. how do I say this. My uh..uncle sexually assaulted me, um multiple times and he'd b..beat me and...and, and" James hands began to shake and out of instinct regulus reached and took them into his own. James looked stunned, but continued. And well, he told me I..I had to be perfect, to be a good person and h..he told me. I didn't deserve to eat and um yeah, so um I don't eat...and I play quidditch all the time and, I put up this front in front of my friends and my parents and nobody sees the real me anymore. And I just don't know what to do" James finished his speech quickening as he went on. Regulus felt his heart shatter and without thinking he wrapped his slender arms around the boy. He returned the hug by placing his face in the crook of the younger boys neck, tears flowing down his face. "Shhhh...shh...shh..shh, it's okay I'm here, you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you." Regulus comforted as his fingers carded through James' mop of hair. "I'm sorry, regulus, it's all my fault I'm sorry. I..I'm-" James voice broke off into another sob as he mumbled apologies. Regulus lifted James chin up with his fingers so he was looking at him. "James, this isn't your fault at all, your uncle is a fucking, shitty, fucking, stupid, fucking old bastard, who doesn't fucking understand how fucking amazing you are, he can go fuck himself." Regulus breathed out and James chuckled making Regulus beam with joy. Regulus stood up grabbing James' hand making the taller boy blush. "Come on, you can stay in my dorm, Barty and Evan are out on a date in hogsmeade and they'll sneak back in the morning somehow. Also I can tell sirius, remus and Peter about everything. Only if you want me to though." Regulus said whilst they walked, James just nodded and snuck into regulus' dorm before he went to find James' friends.

Arriving at the Gryffindor dorms, regulus mentally prepared himself before knocking on the door. Sirius opened the door with a wide smile and ushered regulus in. "Reggie! What do we owe this pleasure" Sirius questioned raising an eyebrow. "Well it's about James. He told me some bad stuff." Regulus then proceeded to tell everyone what had happened over Easter. Let's just say he was not expecting the reaction he got. "James has been fine though, smiling like usual. I think he's having you on reg" Regulus just looked at Sirius in shock. Then remus spoke. "Yeah I didn't even think you were friends with James I think he's just pranking you regulus" Peter just nodded along with the other two boys. Reg's mouth hung open, as he scoffed in disbelief. "Then fucking tell me, why I found James sobbing on a fucking window ledge by the edge of the castle!" It was silent for awhile before Sirius piped up. "I've seen James fake crying, I almost bought it, he's pranked you reg." at that point regulus just saw red.

"I can't fucking believe James has you shitty humans to call friends! I mean come on when you ran away Sirius, James was the first one to help. Remus, when he found out you were a werewolf he was the first one to suggest animagi. Peter, James was your first friend on the train. Without him you'd all be lost!! And here you lot are fucking saying 'oh he's fine' when he just fucking sobbed, because he was taken advantage of and told he had to be perfect and told he had to starve himself. By someone he calls family. It's always trouble with you, I'm so fucking dissapointed! I..I just." Regulus slapped Sirius around the face. Sirius' eyes went wide as he threw a punch at regulus' face. Lifting up his hand shakily regulus felt blood drip from his nose. Soon the two brothers were on the floor, tossing and turning on the floor. Soon, Sirius had his hands gripped around regulus' throat. Both brothers often got very violent in arguments, this being the worst fight they've had. Regulus couldn't breathe, he felt his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Luckily remus managed to grab Sirius and pull him away, Peter the same with regulus. Regulus sat up coughing violently as he backed away regaining his breath, before shakily standing up, using the wall as support.

"Reg-" Sirius began but was soon cut off by regulus' screams. "NO! You don't fucking deserve someone as good as James! He's helped all of you and you think that him being sad is a FUCKING PRANK, I can't believe you three! I-"
Then James walked in.

He's still not ok.

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