Reading glasses :// J

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Regulus was sat in a little book nook in the Gryffindor common room reading his copy of 'The Catcher In The Rye' and he had his glasses on. Most people were often confused when he wore glasses, but he simply explained they were his reading glasses. He didn't have to wear them full-time like James did. It was a quite Saturday afternoon and most students had gone to Hogsmeade, with friends, or partners, or both. Yet Regulus had opted for a nice quiet day inside the castle. Reading his book, with his glasses on, with a cup of tea sat beside him. The fire roared as the red, orange and gold flames danced in the fireplace creating a soothing crackling sound that echoed through the common room.

A bit of time passed and Regulus was leant forward, reading the next few pages so his glasses had fallen to the tip of his nose and a few loose strands of his curls fell onto his face. His lip was bitten as he drifted into another reality, getting more excited as he read each word, each sentence, each page, each chapter. He blew lightly on the hot tea in his mug before he took a sip. Somehow he'd still managed to burn his tongue. Regulus lightly grimaced but then continued reading, easily getting sucked in to his book. There was distant chatter as he heard a few students heading up to their dorms, obviously just having gotten back from a few hours at Hogsmeade.

The portrait swung open again and James emerged into the common room. Hair messy as always with his glasses askew on his face. He quickly spotted Regulus, sitting looking ethereal and made his way over to him. "Hey love, How are y- Wait...why are you wearing glasses?" James asked looking at the gold frames on the younger man's face which were very similar to his own. Regulus giggled and rested his hand upon James. "I wear them for reading James." James was trying to listen but in all honesty Regulus' words went in one ear and out the other. The only thing James could focus on was Regulus had giggled! It was like a sound sent from the Heavens. He would pay money to hear him giggle again. "James? Love? Are you alright?" James was snapped out of his daydream with Regulus' soft words. "Yeah, sorry. Your glasses look a lot like mine huh?" James smiled and pecked Regulus on the cheek, reading over his shoulder.

It had been a week and James decided he wanted to get Regulus the same glasses frames as him so they could match. He knew Regulus was out a quidditch practice and wouldn't be back for a few hours so he decided to go to Regulus' dorm to get his glasses. James walked to the Slytherin portrait and mumbled the password. Then he walked up the stairs leading to Regulus' shared dorm. He knew Regulus kept his glasses on his bedside table, just incase he wanted to do some late night reading, he had told James one night in his dorm. He took the glasses in their case and then went into the corner shop opticians in Hogsmeade, umbrella held over his head so he didn't get soaked. James asked the woman at the desk if she could check to see if they still stored the gold glasses frames he had. "Give me two seconds Hun, I'll be back." The woman wearing black circular glasses went into the back room, leaving James standing there rocking back and forth on his heels. "Here we go, if you pass me those Hun, I can check the prescription on these so the lenses can be fitted into frames for you." James smiled at the woman and handed her Regulus glasses. "Thank you." She disappeared around a corner and James was left waiting once more.

"There you go hun, that's all done for you. Have a wonderful day." She handed James the glasses and he shrunk them so they were small enough to fit into his jeans pocket. "Thank you, you too." James put the umbrella once more and realised Regulus would've gotten soaked at practice. He eventually reached his dorm and took a hot shower before going to Regulus' dorm to surprise him with his glasses. "Alright mate?" James asked Sirius, who was sitting reading his transfiguration essay. "Shit prongs, you scared me." Sirius gasped dramatically. "Sorry pads, I'm going to see Reggie." Sirius smiled at this. When James and Regulus had told him they were together he cried happy tears. Something about both of his brothers being all grown up. Dramatic as always. "Have fun, he'll like you got him glasses to match yours." James was so confused, he hadn't told Sirius he got Reg glasses to match his. "Remus." Sirius replied, obviously sending James confusion. James made an 'o' shape with his mouth then winked and left.

"Hey love." James wrapped his arms around Regulus' waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Christ! James you scared me." Regulus exclaimed but his gaze immediately softened when he saw James. "I have a surprise for you..." James grabbed Regulus' hand and they sat down on the latter's four poster bed. "There you go." Regulus looked confused, but opened the case anyway. His face lit up when he saw the glasses. "You're too cute." Regulus booped James nose and then kissed him, wrapping his legs around James waist.

"How about we read 'Catcher In The Rye?" Regulus nodded and sat in between James legs as he put his glasses on and began reading the book. James reading over his shoulder, arms securely wrapped around Regulus' waist.

They looked really cute together, looking like twins.

A/N: Hey! I'm back...sorry I haven't been updating, there's been a lot going on and writing  was not something I was in the mood to do.

But I'm here, I thought of this five minutes ago, and I think it's cute! Let me know what you thought loves x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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