Je t'aime plus mon chérie :// J

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A/N: hey everyone so sorry for my disappearing act, I've got so many books on the go lol, this is just a fluffy oneshot because my day has been shit and I need some Jegulus fluff in my life right now.

It was the last class of the day. Potions. And regulus saw James yawn for at least the fourth time! 'Bloody hell James, I know slughorn's boring but you can't be this tired already.' He thought as he quietly moved next to the boy. James groaned slightly before laying his head on the table, before closing his eyes. "James..." reg whispered in his ear nudging him slightly, all he got was a quiet whimper in response and decided to leave him be for the time being.

He began to shiver slightly, in the cold, damp air of the dungeons, so regulus quickly took off his oversized quidditch jumper and wrapped it around him, as he nuzzled into the warmth of it. Class dragged on and on but regulus just stared at his adorable boyfriend. Not in a creepy way a loving way. James began to stir and he rubbed comforting circles on the small of his back, that seemed to do the trick as James' breathing evened out and his soft snores could be heard. It gave regulus a warm fuzzy feeling, blushing as he thought about it, feeling heat rise to his cheeks.

Finally, class had come to an end and regulus began trying to wake James up. "James" "my love wake up" he coaxed trying to wake up his precious boy. It was no use James was out. Suddenly slughorn's voice could be heard "let him sleep, my boy he clearly needs it." He said before retreating to the potions cupboard.

Regulus merely obliged and laid his head down next to James' watching how he slept with a small part in his lips, or how his cheeks were slightly more pink than usual. 'He's perfect, and I get to call him mine.' Regulus thought as he smiled, blushing madly. Soon enough James stirred again, slowly lifting his head and squinting his eyes trying to adjust to the light. "Morning" he croaked out clearly still sleepy, regulus just laughed faintly before replying "morning love." While tousling James hair. "How long have I been asleep?" James questioned still a bit raspy. "The whole lesson, come on you need to get more sleep Jamie" regulus said in a soft tone pulling James up with him.

"Reggie I have homework to-" James tried to say before he was cut off by regulus pointer finger placed on his lips. "No, James you work yourself too hard. When's the last time you properly slept?" Regulus asked concern evident in his voice. James just shrugged still too tired and rested his head on regulus' shoulder as they walked which he blushed furiously at.

They soon reached the boys dorms and regulus sat down on James' bed. "Reg, I really have to-"
he was cut off again by regulus " Non mon cherie, s'il te plaît dis-moi ce qui ne va pas parce que je sais que tu ne vas pas bien. Je te connais." (Lol I speak some French and I'm pretty sure this means No, my darling please tell me what's wrong because I know you're not fine. I know you. Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm still learning the language. ) regulus spoke. James sighed heavily before sitting down on the bed and began to speak, regulus had taught him some French so he knew the gist of what he just said. "Well..I get really bad. Um..insomnia, so, just end up going to the common room and staying up. He whispered almost ashamed of himself. Regulus looked at him sympathetically, before wrapping his arms around his lover and whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "It's all right, bubs. Do you want me to stay with you?" Looking in James direction the boy just nodded before climbing under the covers.

Regulus just opened his arms and James huddled into them like a small child. A few minutes passed before a voice could be heard in the silence. "Reg.. can you play with my hair please? It's really relaxing for me..." James mumbled shyly looking up at the raven haired boy. Regulus looked down at him with a warm smile. "Of course I can hun." he whispered whilst fiddling with the boy's hair, hoping it would send him to sleep. "I love you reggie." James quietly said snuggling even closer to regulus' warm chest as he fell asleep.
"Je t'aime plus ma chérie, je ne laisserai riel te blesser maintenant ou jamais. Je ne vais nulle part. Je ne te quitterai jamais. Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare. Tu es à moi et à moi seulement."
(I love you more my darling, I won't let anything hurt you now or ever. I'm not going anywhere. I'm never going to leave you. Till death do us part. You're mine and mine only.) Regulus muttered, before pressing a chaste kiss to his sleeping boyfriend's forehead.

"Mon précieux Gryffondor." (My precious Gryffindor) He spoke before drifting off himself, into a peaceful sleep.

That's how Remus and Sirius found them when returning to the dorm. Sirius couldn't think of being anymore proud, that they had each other. And of course he got photos because they looked adorable.

A/N: thanks for reading and please let me know if my French is off as I'm still learning more! Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing don't forget to vote and comment, bye my loves xx❤️

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