Possessive :// J

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A/N: Hey loves! Sorry I keep just randomly disappearing, I've just got a lot going on with family and other things I'm not going to talk about but I randomly thought of this idea last night and then procrastinated making it into a oneshot for 45minutes...moving on, here we are. Xx

TW: possessive James, is kinda hot

Hope you enjoy lovelies!

Regulus was stood watching as the Gryffindor party that had started a mere ten minutes ago was now in full swing. There were people dancing on tables, people jumping up and down as music from the record player blared through the common room, groups of friends playing drinking games and all in all people getting absolutely wasted. Gryffindor had won the quidditch match against Hufflepuff and they'd had invited everyone from all the other houses so there was a sea of red, green, blue and a few people in yellow partying, drinking, singing or dancing. Regulus wasn't normally one for parties but he went to one occasionally because of Barty and Evan begging him or James pleading with him.

In this case James had practically got down on his knees begging Regulus to come to the party. Regulus couldn't say no to James' gigawatt smile, so here he was. Stood off to the corner by a table full of drinks, smirking into his cup as he watched people dance and scream the lyrics of Queen, ABBA, Bowie, The Beatles and so much more. "Regggiieee, comee dwance ith us!" Barty giggled as he tried to take Regulus by the hand. "Salazar alive Barts, how drunk are you? And where's Evan?" Regulus scanned the crowd of people looking for Evan, or someone who could take Barty back to the common room at least. Thankfully Evan came through the crowd of people. "Christ, Sorry Reg. Idiot wandered off. Come on you, we're going to bed." He took Barty by the hand and wrapped his other arm around his waist to keep him stable. "Night Reg!" He called out then disappeared through the portrait hole. "Night guys." And with that Regulus was alone once more. He saw James dancing and singing the lyrics to 'all the young dudes' with Sirius and he smiled before pouring himself another drink.

A slower song came on and couples began getting together and they swayed in the middle of the room, embracing the music. Regulus wasn't normally one for dancing. I mean as a child he and Sirius had been taught ballroom but other than that he didn't really dance. But on this occasion he decided he'd watch and sway his hips a little. Sirius and Remus caught his eye and he smiled and looked over to Sirius' head rested on Remus' shoulder as his arms were clasped around his neck, Remus' arms around his waist as they swayed to the music, smiling. He felt his heart swell as he watched the pair. Regulus was glad he had Remus, much like he was very grateful to have James.

He was gaze was broken as a boy from Ravenclaw came up to him. Regulus was pretty sure his name was Simon Finch and he was in his year. "Hey, How you doing?" Simon spoke looking Regulus up and down. "I'm-" Regulus is cut off by a firm hand grabbing his waist. "We're...Great. How are you?" James stared right at Simon, a certain glint in his eyes, his hand never moving from Regulus' waist. Simon rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly then scrambled away. James looked down at Regulus with a cheeky smirk. Regulus playfully rolled his eyes and kicked James shin. "Show off." James' eyebrow cocked in amusement. "Only for you my love." James stared into Regulus' eyes once more sending a shiver down his spine. "I could've handled it myself." Regulus spoke, he was now pressed against a nearby wall as James leaned over him. "Oh I know you could've, but I like making people aware of what's mine. Plus, you know you love it." James winked at him, and it took Regulus everything he had in him to bite back his grin.

There was a slight hustle and bustle as most students were making there way back to their common rooms and respective dorms. But not Regulus and James, they were both drunk yet it felt like the whole world was passing by them as they stared into each others eyes. James cupped Regulus' cheek and kissed him. The common room was now pretty empty and Regulus thought he might explode. Yes he'd kissed James plenty of times before but each time he did it felt like there was little fireworks going off inside him. They broke apart for air and the two just gazed at each other once more. Regulus drowning in James' hazel eyes, filled with so much warmth and love yet danger and possessiveness. Of course we can't forget mischief.

James leaned down again and whispered in Regulus' ear. "You're mine, nobody else's." He tilted Reg's chin up with his index finger and kissed his pale lips once more.

"Your mine, all mine Regulus." He whispered in Regulus' ear once more sending a tingling sensation through him. "I'm yours, all yours." Regulus kissed him again, a fistful of James' shirt in his hand before they broke apart, James walked up the stairs to his dorm, Regulus making his way back to his, a smile etched on his face.

A/N: I kinda loved that! Also possessive James>>> I like when guys are a little possessive but not too much. Do you get what I mean? Especially fictional men. Ugh, they are elite. Get me a fictional man. Please xx

Anyway loves!

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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