Nightmares :// W

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Sirius hadn't been sleeping well at all, he would constantly wake up from horrible nightmares, his sleep schedule had long ago been thrown out the window and he was getting an hour of sleep at night max, and that was if he was lucky. He'd often be plagued by multiple nightmares each night, Remus was worried, he'd heard Sirius desperately try to silence his sobs and whimpers as he body shook, heaving trying to get in a decent breath. He'd wake up ready to comfort his lover, whether it be rubbing his back, whispering in his ear, running his hand through his raven locks. Even after Sirius had fallen asleep Remus would stay awake just in case Sirius woke from another nightmare and needed him. Sirius hated nightmares, the obvious of it made him think of home and it would often cause him panic attacks but also because he woke Remus. And he felt so awful, especially if it was near the full moon. Remus had always told him he came first, but Sirius still felt immense guilt about waking him up almost every night because of his godforsaken nightmares.

"Hey, hey, love it's ok deep breath. You're safe, I've got you." Remus soothed as he rocked Sirius shaking body back and forth. It was now quite early in the morning and there was no point in either of them going back to sleep. Sirius went to shower while Remus changed into his uniform. Sirius came out from the bathroom, got changed and then the two boys just talked. "Are you sure you want to go to classes today love?" Remus questioned, rubbing his thumb over Sirius' knuckles. "Rem, I promise I'll be okay." Remus hummed in response. "Let's get going to breakfast." Sirius allowed himself to be pulled up by Remus and they walked down to the great hall hand in hand. James and Peter soon joined the pair and three out of the four began eating. Sirius just began fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper nervously. One thing Remus had grown to notice was Sirius often wouldn't eat anything after a night full of nightmares. "Do you not want anything love?" Remus asked, studying Sirius anxious expression. He just shook his head and began fiddling and shifting uncomfortably once more. Well it was worth a try.

Breakfast finished and Sirius only seemed to grow more tired and nervous, his hands were shaky and he had almost fallen asleep in Divination, trying to take notes and record his readings. "Bubs, do you want to go up to the dorm?" Sirius' head was leaning on Remus' shoulder as they walked out of the classroom. "No I'm- *yawn*" Remus gripped Sirius hand, trying to stop them shaking. "Love, you're clearly tired. We don't even have to go to bed, we can just talk by the fire in the common room." Remus whispered in his ear, another thing he knew was that Sirius was often more vulnerable, emotional and clingy and if he sounded annoyed or fed up Sirius would blame himself even though it wasn't his fault. He just nodded and they both headed up the moving staircases to the fat lady's portrait.

Climbing through the portrait hole the couple made their way over to one of the many sofas and got comfortable, Sirius curled up into Remus' side as his arm snaked around his waist pulling him closer. They chatted quietly and it was evident Sirius was becoming quieter and quieter as time passed. Suddenly Sirius sprang up looking almost as if he'd remembered something deadly important. "Crap, I have quidditch practice...I n-" Remus cut him off by pulling him down on the sofa once more. "Love, you're far too tired to be practicing quidditch, you'll fall off of your broom." Sirius sighed knowing he was right and he curled up next to Remus once more, playing with his hands once more. His eyes began to droop and Remus could tell he was fighting with everything he had to stay awake. "Love go to sleep, your body clearly needs it. Don't fight it." Remus' hands ran through Sirius' curls in a comforting manor. "I...I don't ha-have nightmares.." his voice cracking towards the end as he let a few tears slip. "Oh, baby. Don't cry, shhh, shh shh shh. " more tears fell as he rested his head on Remus' chest. After a while it was only the occasion sniffle coming from Sirius. "Sorry, I got your jumper all wet." He chuckled, Remus' hands still in his hair. "Love don't apologise, it doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're okay, and you're adorable you know that?." Sirius his his face in Remus' Jumper, blushing bright red. "M' not adorable." He replied, but Remus just tutted. "But you are, you're my adorable Sirius."

"Rem, can I go to sleep?." Sirius whispered, tiredness present in his voice. "Of course you can love and if you wake up I'll still be here, so I can squeeze you a bit tighter." Sirius smiled before drifting of into a dreamless sleep. Remus not far behind.

A/N: I loved writing this! Thought it was so adorable xx
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