Stay :// J

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A/N: hey everyone sorry for my lack of updates. I've been so busy recently and I'm just in this deep dark hole called shit mental health so yeah, and I've had literally no time to write anything. x
So thank you for all your patience. xx
This request is for the lovely @horror_werewolves
TW's: attempted suicide, crying, scars, cuts, blood, mentions of murder.
Please don't read if these will trigger you x
Hope you enjoy xx

I had to do this. For them. For everyone. I couldn't handle being a death eater anymore, I didn't want to go down in history as a death eater. I wanted to help the order, help destroy Voldemort. I didn't want to be his slave. I didn't want James, or Sirius, or Remus, or lily, or Mary, or Dorcas, or Marlene, to think I was just a loyal supporter of Voldemort. Merlin I had the scars and cuts to prove that. The amount of times I tried to scrub, or cut or blast the dark mark off of my forearm was uncountable. Pandora, Evan and Barty already knew about what I was doing. They hadn't seemed happy about it but they knew I had to, it was the last horcrux after all. I hadn't told them about me jumping though. But it didn't matter. Once all of this was over, everyone would be free. Free from Voldemort, free from war, free from everything. Free from me...

Approaching the cave, I cast a lumos in hopes it would help me see better. In which it did, I scrambled around for a few minutes looking for the locket I saw a glistening in the corner of my eye. I lunged at it, grasping it and smiling slightly. This would all be over soon, finally. I would be free, everyone else would be free. Life would be peaceful. Just how it used to be. Well for most people anyway. Emerging from the entrance of the cave I stood at the edge, peering down at what was soon to be my death. How I felt comfortable in that moment knowing I was going to die for everyone else. Maybe Sirius wouldn't see me as a monster anymore.
But how could I blame him, I was a death eater, I worked for Voldemort, although I hadn't killed anyone I stilled worked for that noseless bastard.

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself for the fall, the inferi would most likely drag me under the water, drowning me. I'd done some research on it, drowning wasn't a painful death at all, it just seemed like your chest felt tight for a while before you passed out under there, drowning.
Locket still in hand I edged nearer and nearer, this was it, this was how I was going to die. How I was going to help everyone else. To try and prove I'm just an 18 year old, who was forced to take up the mark at 15. Nobody would miss me much. If they did, they'd get over it. I was about to let my body collide with the water but I suddenly felt tears rolling down my cheeks. God, I didn't want this. My heart certainly didn't anyway. God I couldn't do this. 'You need to.' My mind raced with thoughts and feelings. That's not a good combination. This may have seemed like a good idea a few weeks ago, but now...I'm here questioning. Do I jump? Or do I stay? I had to do it, for everyone else's sake.
I had to jump.

I felt my feet dangling over the side, that was until I heard a frantic voice calling my name. "Reg...Regulus! REGULUS." The boy approached closer and closer. I realised it was him.


It was now or never.
I had to do it. This I what was meant to happen and for once I was finally happy about it. I get to leave this cruel world. I firmly shut my eyes for a split second, bidding my goodbyes, before I felt myself leaning forward even more. Preparing myself for the impact of the fall. I was about to fully let go, but I felt a strong arm wrapping around me pulling me away from the edge. "Let me go...Let me go!" I screamed at him trying to pull his muscular arms away from my body.
"Reg! That was so out of control, why did you do that?! Please we need you here. Stay." James voice wavered despite his attempts to hide it. He didn't sound angry, like at all. Just upset. Unlike me, I was fuming with rage. I could feel it coursing through my veins.
"I Don't Want Control! I Want To Let Go!" I shouted tears forming as I tried to push him away. When he didn't budge, just wrapping his arms around me cradling my head I just gave in. I didn't have the energy to care anymore. Tears were streaming down my face and I was sobbing. "Hey, hey, hey, Reggie, it's alright. Shhhhhh, shh, shh, shhhh." His soft hands carded through my curls as I cried into his chest. "I...I'm ss..sorry, I shouldn't ha..ave done t...that." I choked out fearing if I spoke anymore I would be sobbing again. "Love, there's no reason to be sorry. Everyone knew it was going to happen." He muttered his chin resting on top of my head. I was confused. How did everyone know? I hadn't told them, I was planning to jump. "Pandora, Barty and Evan mentioned you might've tried to seen as you'd been gone ages. Everyone was so worried me included. Sirius was the most though, he started crying. He thought you'd died reg." James finished, almost sensing my confusion. So Sirius didn't think I was a monster after all. Oh merlin, now I felt guilty. "So..Sirius didn't think I was a monster? Because...because I tried. I tried to get rid of it. I didn't want it. I was just too scared to say no..." my voice cracked towards the end as I rolled up my sleeves, to reveal scars and a few cuts, blood rolling off of my wrist from where I had tried many times to rid myself of it.
That mark...

James face immediately softened as his hand ran over the cuts and scars. "Reg, of course he didn't, none of us did. He was just angry. Not at you though, he was angry he didn't get you out of there in time. I promise he never thought of you of anything less than his little brother." I smiled slightly before standing up, looking in James' general direction. "Should we finish this?" I questioned pulling the locket from my pocket. He just nodded standing by my side our none wand hands interlocked, as James blasted it, shattering into millions of little shards. I threw the remains into the ocean and watched them sink, smiling.

That was it.

It was over.

War was over.

And I was happier than ever.

I pulled James into a passionate kiss, before we apparated back to his house.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you want a part 2 x
I gave it a happy ending because guys, I'm honestly depressed enough right now ✋😭
Anyway hope you enjoyed, it was lovely to be back to writing again after my lil break even though it was quite sad to begin with xx

Hope you lot enjoyed and it was written ok! Xx

See you soon my loves xx

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