Help me...

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A/N: another black brothers oneshot because people having been wanting more black brothers content, you ask and you shall receive. Hope you enjoy xx
Tw: Anxiety attack, crying
For a sad experience play the song "In my blood." By Shawn Mendes. It makes it so much sadder! And I cried while writing but it fits so perfectly x

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. I couldn't do it anymore. Nothing I did was ever good enough, I never felt good enough, people told me I never tried but I did, I tried so hard, yet I always felt like the odd one out, I overthink everything, I just hate being me. It's draining. I sat at the back of the library desperately trying to focus on the homework in front of me but I couldn't. My mind was too busy boggling over trying to be good enough for my parents. I had to do it. For Sirius. He had gone through hell saving my arse, the least I could do was make sure he was safe. And stayed that way. He took so much for me and never asked for anything in return, I had to give him something back. Thoughts clouded over me like a storm and I wanted to scream. 'Why can't I be good enough?' 'Why am I unlovable?' 'I'm such a screw up' 'don't cry it's weak' 'you're brother will always hate you' the voice in my head was incredibly loud. In an outburst of anger I threw a heavy textbook at a nearby book shelf. The book fell with a thud. My eyes widened at what I had just done and I ran, but I ran straight into someone. Shit it was Sirius.

I tried to run past him but to no avail I felt him grasp my arm gently. "Reggie? Hey, hey, what's going on?" His voice was smooth and soft. I looked up at him, tears blurring my vision, breathing heavily. He immediately knew what was going on. "Bubs, c'mere, sit down." I let him guide me to a nearby wall and we sat down our backs pressed against the cool stone. "Reg, can I take your hand please?" I just nodded weakly as he placed my hand on his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "Listen to my heartbeat and try to take a deep breath yeah? In for four, out for four remember." I took his advice finding comfort in his heartbeat. Soon he had calmed down. "Sorry..I um..I." I stuttered not being able to get my words out. "Hey, none of that. It's not you're fault whatsoever. Do you want to talk about it or not really?" He rubbed my back and I leaned into his touch. "Umm, well, I was stressing out about being good enough for mother and father, I wanted to protect you. Keep you safe. You did it for me and I needed to do it for you. Then I started overthinking and I threw a textbook and I just started running and and-." My tone was getting faster as I spoke, my voice raising as I panicked. "Merlin reg, you are good enough. God you're so much more than enough. I'll always protect you, you're my little brother. You don't need to protect me though, you protect me already. You make me feel safe because you don't take any shit from anyone. God you remember you'd told me you'd fight anyone and everyone just to keep me safe. I will always admire you for that. You're one of the bravest people I know. You've always kept me safe, even if you didn't realise. I love you." A tear of happiness rolled down my cheek. "Of course I remember you dolt. It was the day we promised each other we'd be brothers forever, no matter what happened." Sirius chuckled at the memory. "Come to the Gryffindor common room, I want spend time with you." I just nodded and let him pull me up to my feet.

We arrived at the Gryffindor common with Sirius arm draped across my shoulder. We sat down on a sofa by the fire and we began chatting, suddenly someone flung themselves over the back of the sofa making me jump slightly. "Jesus James, nearly game me and Reg a fucking heart attack. "Sorry pads, oh hey reg." he waved at me slightly and I just smiled in return. We all sat there chatting and I have to say it was one of the best days I'd had in a while, I got to talk to my brother and his cute best friend. Shit I'm falling for James.

Help me.

A/N: hope you enjoyed!
Please keep requesting your ideas!! Xx
See you soon loves x

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