Tell me the truth

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A/N: Hey loves! I just randomly thought of this because a friend of mine was talking to me about teen wolf, I was sort of listening, sort of daydreaming but then she showed me a scene from season 3 episode 23 and she told me she sobbed when she watched it, I've never watched it but then she showed it to me and I couldn't help thinking about how James and Sirius coded it was x

What, my life is the marauders, that's a fact.

But yeah! I watched the scene and then I had the fabulous idea of turning it into a oneshot x

So here it is...

TW: Mentions of abuse

Hope you enjoy!

Sirius rasped, trying to catch his breath before bringing his hand up to the white door and knocking on it. His legs were trembling and he realised he wouldn't be able to stand for much longer without falling over so he used his hand to feel for the brick wall behind and slid down it. It felt like Sirius had been waiting for an eternity for someone to open the door but it had only been a mere few seconds. The door opened to reveal James in jeans and a jumper, glasses falling down on the bridge of his nose. "Sirius, Godric...let's get you inside." James' face was full of worry and sorrow as he looked at the crumpled heap of his best friend on his doorstep. He extended his hand out to Sirius which the boy gratefully took and allowed James to pull him to his feet as they went inside.

"Are you alright?" James asked, he knew it was a bit of a stupid question considering Sirius' state, but he still felt the need to ask. "Yea... I don't know why I just can't seem to get warm." Sirius' teeth chattered, as he wrapped his leather jacket even tighter around himself, trying to get some warmth. "Maybe you should sit down, take it easy." James' eyes scan over Sirius' trembling figure, his skin even paler, almost ghostlike, the beads of sweat dripping on his forehead. Sirius makes a move and stumbles over to a sofa and sits down, gritting his teeth slightly as he does. Still shaking like a leaf being blown in the wind.

"You're in pain..." James' eyes fill with sympathy as he sits down next to Sirius. "It's not that bad. It's just more of a dull ache." Sirius doesn't look at James, instead just stares down at his lap. "Where?" James doesn't want to be pushy, but he knows this is the only way to help Sirius. "Sorta everywhere." Sirius is still trembling as he tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. James reached out to touch Sirius' hand and the latter shivers at the touch of James' warm hand on top of his ice cold ones. "Mate you're freezing." James withdraws his hand and just stares at Sirius for a moment.

"Tell me the truth." James' eyebrows are raised in concern as Sirius returns his gaze, his teeth chattering with the cold. "How much does it really hurt?" James questioned, a much more serious note in his voice. "Not-" Sirius began not only trying to convince himself but James too. "Sirius." James' voice was warning and slightly threatening. "It's bad...really bad. Like I'm freezing, then again like my body is on fire." Sirius let out a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around himself. James wanted to cry, he knew exactly what happened. He knew the cruciartus curse tortured you with your worst fear, he vividly remembered Sirius telling him he feared extremities after he told James about a nightmare he'd had in first year.

"Cruciartus?" Sirius barely looked up from his lap and nodded, his face solemn. James got up and went into the kitchen, filling a glass with water. His parents weren't at home. His father at work, his mother out with a friend. James didn't know where his mother kept potions in case of a situation like this, so he decided it'd be best to wait for his mum to come home. She'd be back in around an hour, then he could explain everything. Euphemia being a healer, she would know how to handle the situation much better than James.

"Here, drink this." James gave Sirius the glass of water and he took a few sips before handing it back to James. "Thanks." Sirius mumbled and James gave him a half smile. "You should try and rest, mum will be back soon and then she can help, she'll know what to do okay?" Sirius smiled at him. "Thanks prongs." James nodded and was about to get up and leave but Sirius' hand caught his wrist. "Can you stay?...please?" James sat down once more and threw a blanket over Sirius and the boy rested his head on James' shoulder closing his eyes.

The pair were asleep within minutes.

A/N: Sorry, more sad stuff for you x
Would you guys like me to do a Wolfstar and Jegulus version of this? This one was James' and Sirius' friendship but do you want me to do this with the couples? Let me know my lovelies if you'd like that xx

Anyways, hope you all have the best day/night x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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