New years :// J and W

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It was New Year's Eve and everyone was absolutely buzzing. Well, at least not Sirius and Regulus. They loved the new year don't get me wrong, but they both hated the fireworks. They never knew why, just ever since they were kids they hated them. Both of them would hide under Sirius' blanket and play games until the fireworks had stopped. That was their ideal New Year's Eve. The only problem was Remus and James didn't know this. Yet, the two brothers had came about some sort of agreement along the way that they needed to tell their partners about it. All four of them were at the Potter's for New Year's Eve, Peter couldn't be there though seen as his mum wanted him home for new year, which was understandable. Regulus was reading in his room when he heard a light knock on the door. "Come in" he replied not looking up. Sirius poked his head around the door, went in and sat down next to his brother. "Have you told James yet? Because I haven't Remus. I'm too nervous." Regulus nodded in agreement. "I know! James seemed so excited about it, I don't wanna ruin it." He exclaimed, his gaze shifting around the room.

Around ten minutes of talking and the brothers had come to a decision, to let Remus and James watch the fireworks while they'd sit and play games like chess, or exploding snap just until midnight. Like as if they were on queue, James and Remus came through the door. It was silent for a while before Regulus motioned for Sirius to speak up. "Umm..guys, we're not gonna go see the fireworks, we're gonna stay here. You guys can go's just. We're not." James and Remus looked really taken aback. "Why d'youse too not wanna go.?" Remus inquired staring at the two boys who were sitting cross-legged on Regulus' bed. "Well, we both hate fireworks..." Sirius mumbled looking down and fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, too bloody loud." Regulus mumbled, yet James still caught it. "Reg, people breathing too loudly pisses you off." He chuckled gazing at his boyfriend. "Yeah! Too. Bloody loud!" Regulus half-shouted sarcastically which set them all off into a fit of giggles. "Well, we can stay with you two, I'd rather that to be honest is fucking chilly outside." Remus laughed, sitting next to Sirius. James doing the same for Regulus. "Bu-" Regulus' excuse was cut off by James. "Nope. None of that we're staying here. That's it. James' parents were out at some event so it didn't really matter whether they went out or not.  They all nodded in unison and decided on what they were going to play. They decided on wizard's chess. What a rookie mistake that was.

Who knew Regulus was amazing at chess.? Well Sirius did. The others didn't. "Checkmate." Regulus smirked as he beat James for a fourth time in a row. "How! Regulus black, are you cheating." James questioned, leaning forward pointing a cheeky finger in the boys face. He just swatted it away. "No, I'm just better than you at something." James raised an eyebrow, before he lunged playfully at Regulus, they were soon wrestling on Regulus' bed but he stopped it by pulling James into a passionate kiss by the hem of his jumper. Before they knew it the fireworks had stopped and they settled on blasting David Bowie on Regulus' record player. Sirius and Remus were screaming all of the lyrics sharing the occasional kiss, James just boogied around a bit vibing to the music and Regulus sat on the floor watching the boys smiling brightly. Well, that was until he was pulled up by James who began dancing with him, spinning him and dipping him a few times. Each time pulling him into a deep kiss.

James and Regulus had long stopped dancing, because they were tired yet they watched Sirius and Remus belt out the lyrics while dancing and kissing. Thank god, the oblivious idiots had realised they were in love with each other and got together otherwise James would have to hear Remus talk about how gorgeous Sirius was, and Regulus would have to hear Sirius whine about how perfect Remus was. Merlin, James and Regulus probably would've died from boredom caused by the two lads talking about each other to the other person. But all in all, they were glad they were together. It was Wolfstar for fucks sakes! Who wouldn't be over the moon. (No pun intended).

"I love you so much my moon."

"I love you more my star."

That was how the new year ended, those two comments and two perfect new year kisses, shared between the two couples.

It couldn't have been any more perfect

A/N: sorry lol! This is so late, hope you enjoyed though and please keep requesting you can send as many as you want, short or long, I'll make sure I do them x

See you soon loves xx

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