The black brothers

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A/N: Hey my loves! I found a HC in a TikTok about this so I decided to use it and add bits to make it my own. Hope you enjoy this xx
TW's: panic attack


Walburga and Orion were so obsessed with having an heir that when they had Sirius, they were so happy then decided to have regulus just as a backup plan.

So when Sirius left they felt betrayed, and they grieved, not in a quite normal way though, they were absolutely devastated when Sirius left for the Potter's in the dead of night. Not because they had lost a son, but because they had lost an heir. So now Regulus was the heir to 'The Noble house of black'. The replacement. The backup plan. So, Walburga dressed him up in all of Sirius' old clothes and her and Orion act as if nothing had changed in their lives at all. It made Regulus completely livid. Regulus was broken into pieces when his brother left. He despised him. But not for the reason Sirius thought. Regulus hated Sirius because he didn't take him with him, not because he go out of that hell hole.

Regulus wanted out, but he couldn't. It was too late for him. He knew if they both got out, they'd both be caught and sent back to face their parents wrath once more. He couldn't bare doing that to Sirius, he was the one who protected him from punishments, awful curses, everything. Regulus knew from the very start, he wanted Sirius to get out, he wanted him to get the life he always deserved. And if that meant him being left behind with their parents as their heir then so fucking be it. That's what it would take.

So Regulus became the perfect heir, the heir his parents always wanted. So perfect, his parents almost forgot Sirius to left to begin with. So perfect that they forgot Regulus existed at all. Regulus was like a piece in his chess board, a piece that would always present the perfect move for him, just in time to call 'checkmate' before his opponent. He became his parent's perfect version of Sirius.

Later, on the 1st of September, Walburga had Regulus dressed in one of Sirius' finest black suits with a matching black tie. Sirius' eyes found the family of three across the platform. He noticed Regulus and he couldn't tear his eyes away from him. His jet black hair was in neat curls, not a strand out of place, his shoulders back, impeccable posture and in his suit. Sirius' suit. Sirius watched Walburga embrace Regulus in some sort of a hug, with a sly grin plastered on his pale face, although Regulus didn't reciprocate the hug. It made Sirius feel jealous even though it really shouldn't have.

"Make us proud Sirius" Walburga whispered into Regulus' ear, before pulling back and apparating back to Grimmauld Place with Orion. As soon as they left Regulus' body shook violently. His shoulders dropped. His posture slouched and his hands flew to his neck desperately pulling at the tie that was slowly suffocating him.

He looked around panicked, eyes darting from group to group, before he started running. He boarded the train and Sirius followed leaving a very confused group of marauders on the platform. He was confused and worried all rolled into one. When he arrived at the bathroom, he saw his suit jacket and tie splayed across the tiled floor, with Regulus sat beside it, rocking back and forth, his head hidden in his hands, his breathing ragged and shaky. He was having a panic attack.

Sirius glanced down at his brother, a crumpled mess on a bathroom floor. He felt a pang of guilt circulate through his chest. Cautiously he slid down the wall and placed a comforting hand on his brothers knee, as if not to spiral him into an even further state of panic. Regulus' head shot up at the sudden contact. His puffy, tear- stained face now visible to his older brother. Breathing still very sharp and uneven. "Reggie, hey, hey, hey. Breathe, it's ok I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You're safe, breathe with me." Sirius spoke calmly, gently taking Regulus' hand and placing it on his chest, so he could follow his breathing.

Soon enough Regulus' breathing was pretty much back to normal and Sirius wiped the remaining tear tracks off of his cheeks with the pad of his thumb. "Are you okay now?" Sirius asked worry etched into his features. "Yeah..yeah, I'm sorry..." Regulus mumbled, stumbling slightly as he tried to get out of there. Sirius grabbed his wrist slightly. Giving him that look of 'Bitch if you don't tell me, I'm gonna make you tell me if it's the last thing that I do'
"I's so fucking draining trying to be perfect for them, nothing I do is good enough. I just can't do it. And I only try to be perfect for you! I never hated you Siri I was never angry. I was glad because you get to live the life you've always deserved. I wanted to leave with you, so much. But I knew we'd both be sent back and I couldn't deal with you having to go through hell and back saving my ass, time and time again. You deserve to be fucking happy! And if that means I have to be their 'perfect little heir' then so be it. But some days I just can't deal with their shit and then I just..breakdown." Regulus finished. Thinking his shoes were the most interesting thing at that given moment.

Regulus never called him 'Siri' anymore, he was glad he hadn't lost his brother.

He pulled Regulus into a tight hug. Muttering an 'I love you' before squeezing a little bit harder. "Come sit with me and everyone ok?" Sirius spoke, still a little bit worried about his little brother. Regulus just nodded following his brother to a compartment. Regulus heard his brother speaking to his friends, but he was too tired to listen. Believe it or not having a panic attack really takes a toll on your energy. He just followed him brother into the compartment and sat in the corner, leaning his head on the cool glass window. Before drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face, knowing he had his brother and  Sirius had him again.

His brother.

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