Don't you dare!

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A/N: Part 1-
Hey my loves! This is a sad chapter, sorry not sorry. It was based on the amazing TikTok by @__mimbla__ she honestly deserves more views and likes for her amazing videos/cosplays, so go show her some love! Hope you enjoy xx

TW's: mentions of abuse, death, cuts, bruises, blood

Not trying to romanticise these in any way, don't read if these will trigger you. You are more important my loves, please seek help if you need it or my messages are always open if you ever need to talk xx

And just like that Christmas break was over, Sirius officially had a new life at the Potters. He couldn't have been happier, he was finally free from that toxic hell hole he used to call home. The only thing that made him hesitant was his brother. Regulus. He was torn apart at the fact of leaving him there but he knew he would've died if he stayed there any longer, Walburga was not a woman known to have regrets or mercy so it was either he ran or he had his head hung up on a plate on a wall alongside the heads of countless animals and house elves. Standing with Euphemia, Fleamont and James he felt his eyes scanning across King's Cross station looking for his little brother. His eyes swarmed over the seas of happy families, everyone smiling, hugging, laughing. He was glad that was what he got to experience now, a smile spread to his face at the thought of Effie and Monty being like parents to him. Although, that smile faltered when his gaze rested upon Walburga, Orion and Regulus.

Sirius felt an ever-lasting sense of enragement and guilt wash over him in huge waves like an ocean. Orion's cane was rested firmly upon Regulus' should while he wore a sadistic smile on his face, like he was proud of it. Well as for Walburga she appeared to be laughing. What a bit- Sirius mentally scolded himself for almost shouting that out loud, he couldn't care less about the fact it was directed at Walburga. There was absolutely no doubt in Sirius' body that Regulus' stiff movements, grimaces, trying to hide his agony would have only come from the courtesy of his mothers favourite curse. Sirius swallowed thickly as he thought back to all of the times his mother had performed that curse on him, most likely more than once per punishment. The signs were all there, Sirius and Regulus had pretty much learned them off by heart. They had to, they were each others lifelines back home, except Regulus' lifeline disappeared in the dead of night. Sirius still felt extremely guilty for that.

Sirius stormed over to his parents, wand tucked firmly in his jumper sleeve, grasped so tightly it turned his knuckles white. When faced with his parents he felt physically ill. Merlin how he did not miss the pointed looks his mother gave, or the cold emotionless looks from his father. "What are you doing over here, you filthy excuse of a human being?" His mother spat as if she was picking chewing gum from her shoe. Sirius' anger  only rose, if that was even possible. "What did you do? What did you do to him?!?" Amidst the anger there was pain, hurt and sorrow in his voice, for his brother. "Sirius...don't." Regulus' voice sounded croaky and worn out like he'd been screaming or crying or both. "Quiet Regulus." His father boomed, as he lashed at Regulus' face with his cane. Blood trickled down his pale cheek and Sirius watched his brother swallow thickly, Regulus had never liked blood. It always made him feel queasy. "We showed discipline. A harmless punishment if you will. It's only what a good parent would do." Walburga flashed one of her psychotic smiles, twirling a ring on her finger. "I know a punishment and he did not deserve that! He followed your stupid rules and it still wasn't good enough. So what does it take to please you? Break your rules and you fall, follow them and you still lose! Doesn't matter whether you're a blood traitor. Doesn't matter whether you're an heir. Nobody can win so what is the point?!?!"

In his fit of unspeakable rage Sirius didn't realise that Walburga's wand was raised at his face. "Raise your wand at my son again and I will have no problem hexing you into non-existence." It was Effie, she was now facing Walburga a stern look on her face. Sirius had never seen Effie like this, but oh how he so wished this type of protection was put on his brother too, not just him. He'd already proven he couldn't protect Regulus. Walburga scoffed but Orion took her arm. "Come dear, these people are not worth wasting our time." And with a quick pop they were gone. As soon as they left Regulus' posture slouched and he tore the tie he was wearing lose from his neck. He brought it up to his still bleeding cheek, looking repulsed when he saw the blood on his shirt and the ground.

Effie was making sure I was okay and we were soon joined by James and Monty. "Talk to your brother, see you soon." Effie whispered to Sirius and wrapped him a hug before bidding goodbye to James and apparating with a 'pop'. James told Sirius he would catch up with him in the compartment and he left so that the brothers could talk. "Fuck, Reg what happened? Ooh that's a nasty cut you got there." Regulus looked his brother dead in the eyes whilst speaking. "That bitch happened that's what." The boy attempted to laugh but it just turned into painful coughs making him wince. "Reg, I know what she did. Why?" Sirius' tone was soft and concerned. "I refused to tell her you left, it was my own fault really..." his voice trailed off, getting quieter with each word. "Reggie, it's never your fault okay? You're not staying there anymore, you've got cuts and bruises everywhere. Did she use any other spells?" Regulus pondered for a moment before answering. "I don't know, I blacked out long before she was done with cruciatus." Sirius' lit up with rage then calmed down once more, for the sake of Regulus he told himself. He at least owed his brother that.

"I swear to Godric's tits if you don't leave, I will drag you away by your ankles. I refuse to let you stay there anymore. Now come on, come to our compartment I want to check any cuts and that gash on your face." Regulus nodded, and Sirius gently took his hand, as not to startle him as they walked through the last few families then onto the Hogwart's Express.

A/N: sorry not sorry for the pain I caused with this, I'm already depressed beyond repair from this goddamm fandom. It can't get much bloody worse and this is only part one...oops...

Quick question! For part two do we want some Evan, Barty and Reg friendship action, black brothers, Jegulus? Please LET ME KNOW!! Don't be a ghost reader, I know you've read this my loves x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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