Raising Harry

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A/N: Hey everyone this is a request for kannjjii and @zainabesha hope you enjoy this! And it is written okay x
And Lucius is not a dick in this, just putting that out there and it's only for this oneshot
Hope you enjoy xx

"James, Harry! Lunch!" I shouted up the stairs
to my husband and son. Harry was 15 and in his fifth year of Hogwarts, time honestly just flew by. I remember the day we were at Diagon Alley shopping for his first year. Two bodies emerged around the corner and I felt James wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my cheek. "Smells good love." I smiled warmly. "Thanks love, come let's sit at the table. Harry was already sat down and James and I joined him and we began eating. James and Harry were playfully arguing about something. "What are youse two arguing about?" I asked chuckling. "Dad, thinks that transfiguration is better than DADA! How is that even possible? What do you think dad?" I laughed at my son and my husband before replying to Harry. "I liked potions best." Harry seemed to contemplate it for a while. "I like potions, I sit next to a cute guy..." his voice trailed off, clearly thinking about 'the cute boy in potions.' Hearing this James head shot up. "Ooo, what's he like?" Harry had come out to us as bisexual at the end of his fourth year and of course we were proud of him, it's a big thing. So we went out to celebrate. I just rolled my eyes at James' antics but I was to, intrigued in the mystery guy.

"Well, um. He's smart, he's funny, he has this sarcastic humour which most don't understand but I love it, he's cheeky, he's sweet, he's got the most beautiful smile, he looks so concentrated, playing quidditch, his laugh is gorgeous. Merlin his laugh..." he trailed off once more. "But I think he hates me." I was confused, James looked it too. "How do you have reason to believe he hates you Haz?" James questioned, we were both confused. "Well, we hated each other in our first four years then we started talking towards the end of fourth year and decided to put the past behind us and we became friends, but recently he's been more distant." It suddenly hit me, I knew who he was talking about. He was talking about Narcissa's son Draco. "Love, try to talk to him, I'm sure he feels the same way." I knew for a fact that Draco felt the same, Narcissa and I had kept in close contact and seen as we wrote letters or chatted on the mirror frequently, I knew that Draco wrote letters to her about Harry, because she had told me. I felt like such a schemer, but it was worth it because I knew they both felt the same. They were just scared to say it. "Okay, I will. I'll tell him after break ends." James was beaming, I figured he'd worked out who he was. Despite the rocky relationship they'd had with Lucious, they decided to put it behind them, for Narcissa. And who knew he was actually a decent man. (This oneshot is not cannon obvs). We finished up lunch and James helped me load wash up.

Sirius and Remus were coming over for dinner, with their daughter Aria. I heard the doorbell ring, I answered and let Sirius and Remus along with 5year old Aria in. "Hey uncle reg." Aria exclaimed hugging me. "Hello love, you're getting tall." It was true, I remember when she was just up to my hip. "No uncle reg, you're just getting short." I was stunned. Sirius, Remus and James were creasing up with laughter. "Sorry dad, but Ari's right. You're short." Harry placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's definitely your child." I laughed motioning to Sirius, he had the same amount of sass his daughter did. We all sat down and began eating. I had zoned out of the conversation, but I was pulled back into it when I heard Sirius laughing, his arm slung over Harry's shoulders. "What is it with you potter's, it's always a Gryffindor and a Slytherin. But I'm sure he hasn't stopped talking about you either" Sirius teased jokingly, I heard Remus tut at his husband before speaking. "We're proud of you Harry and I'm sure he feels the same way. I've seen the way you two look at each other." He smirked wiggling his eyebrows. The rest of dinner, consisted of small chatter amongst everyone.

That was until Sirius kissed Remus and Aria sprung up from her chair and on to Harry's lap. "Harry, help. Kissing is grosss." She shrieked, exaggerating the 's' and burying her head into Harry's chest. Everyone laughed and Harry tried not to start laughing again as he was talking to her. "Ari, they've stopped now. It's safe, you can go back and sit next to your dad." She just nodded and sat in her seat next to Remus once more. After dinner had finished and Sirius, Remus and Aria had left. James, Harry and I sat on the sofa. "Haz, it's like your carrying on a family legacy. Grandma was a Slytherin and Grandpa was a Gryffindor, I was a Gryffindor and your dad was a Slytherin, you're a Gryffindor and Draco is a Slytherin. We all fell for a rival. Like you're grandma and grandpa didn't get along until late into Hogwarts, like me and your dad and you and Draco. " I smiled at them both, it was true. Us potter's just fell in love with Slytherin's. "I love you guys, thank you." Harry smiled as he hugged us both.

"And we love you even more Harry."

A/N: hope you enjoyed!!
That was cute, I loved writing it x
See you soon my loves xx

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