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A/N: Pt 2- of sacrifice, if you haven't read part one go read it! Now!...okay go...okay good now sorry this took ages but I have so much going on and it's really hard. But  thank you for your patience lovelies x

Hope you enjoy!

TW's: bruises cuts, blood

Don't read if these will trigger you loves xx

Regulus lay on the floor of his bedroom, staring into nothingness. His whole body felt numb. Almost like he was floating, like he was watching himself float from somewhere outside of his own body. He knew he'd been disassociating for awhile, most likely because of the days events. Regulus had pushed Sirius through the floo mere hours ago and he did not regret a single thing. His brother deserved to be happy, he'd done so much for Regulus throughout the 13years he'd lived in that prison and so Regulus was determined to do this for Sirius, no matter the consequences.
At this point he didn't care.
Sirius was worth so much more.

He rubbed his hand along his face and winced, his hand splattered with blood. He also felt the swell of his cheek and jaw. That was definitely going to bruise. His mother was downstairs, throwing anything she could get her hands on. Regulus winced every time he heard a crash, praying that he would not be the next to go flying into a wall. Thankfully there was no sign of footsteps making their way up the stairs.
He was safe.
For now.

James and Sirius had spent the whole morning planning on how to get Regulus out of there. Finally after six gruelling hours, they'd done it. They would sneak in through Sirius' bedroom window, grab Regulus and go through the floo that was bound to still be open. Sirius knew Walburga went out with so called 'friends' every Wednesday at noon without fail.
That's when they'd get Regulus.

Soon enough the crashing stopped and Regulus let out a breath when he heard the front door being slammed open then shut again. She probably had run out of things to smash and plus Walburga always went out with her so called 'friends' on a Wednesday at noon. The trees rusted outside of Regulus' window as a cool breeze passed though it, making him shiver.

Regulus considered trying to get up from his bedroom floor but had quickly decided against it when he tried to sit up the whole room began to spin violently. For once, the house fell silent. It was almost peaceful. Tranquil if you will. Regulus felt his arm burn as he noticed the cuts that littered it, bleeding like rose that had lost all of its thorns. Regulus took another deep breath and just stared at the pasty cream ceiling above him. That was until he heard voices in the distance. "Ahh, that's my foot you wanker." The first voice shrieked. Regulus immediately recognised it.


But why on earth would he be here? "Sorry, come on." Another voice hissed out and Regulus knew it as James. Why were they both here? Regulus gathered all the strength he could muster and pulled himself up so he was leaning against his bed. He closed his eyes, willing the room would stop spinning for two seconds. Suddenly, the door burst open, making Regulus jump out of his skin. "Reg? Buggering Christ. Look at me." Sirius' tone went from concerned, to near speechless, to concerned again. Regulus' grey eyes met his brothers and he almost laughed at the way Sirius' mouth hung open. "That bad huh?" Regulus asked, not having properly seen himself.

"Bloody hell Reg, come on you're not staying here." James offered his hand to pull Regulus up but he shook his head. "You know I can't." Regulus buried his face in his knees. "Reg, of course you can, you got me out now we're getting you out, I'm not leaving without you. We're not leaving without you. D'accord petite étoile?" Sirius spoke softly, tapping on Regulus' knee. A silent plead for Regulus to look at him.

"D'accord grande étoile." Sirius took this as an invitation to loop one of his brothers arms around his shoulder, James doing the same on the other side. It was a struggle but they'd managed and they were now stood in front of the floo. "Everyone ready?" James asked as the three all stood in the floo. There was a chorus of nods and soon they were swallowed in the hue of green flames. Stumbling through the other side, they were in the Potter's living room. As James rushed off to get Euphemia, Sirius and Regulus sat on the sofa. "Hello dear, you must be Regulus. I'm Euphemia but you can call me Effie. Is it alright if I do a diagnostic spell dear?" Regulus just nodded, not really trusting his voice.

At some point Sirius had grabbed Regulus' hand an squeezed it. A simple way of saying 'I'm here' Regulus winced as Effie healed his cuts and bruises. "Thank you- thanks a load, thought I was going to have to try and patch them myself." Effie's face fell at the last part. "Of course not dear, you're here now. Sirius blood boiled but he kept quiet. 'For Regulus' sake' he told himself. Effie had left and told the boys to get some rest. "Thank you both." Regulus whispered into the slightly dark room. James and Sirius both smiled at him. "Now get some sleep, you need it." Regulus soon fell asleep on Sirius' shoulder, the latter then kissed his forehead and moved Regulus so he was laying with his head in his lap. Sirius fell asleep on James shoulder, who covered them all with a blanket, falling asleep with his head on top of Sirius'.

That's how Effie and Monty found them.

They just smiled at their boys.

A/N: hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed that x if you're interested please go and check out my two Jegulus fics "Just keep swimming." And "impossibilities, made possible." I'm re-writing the second one so there are longer chapters but chapter one is up now, so please check it out if you'd like to! xx

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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