Sorry loves x

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A/N: sorry! My updating has been terrible recently, I have so much stuff going on, we're working on dances for our annual dance show, I'm in the school production, school netball matches, homework, schoolwork, I'm burnt out, It's just all very crazy at the minute so I'm sorry I've been pretty inactive x

Please could you put requests/prompts here because they help me get out of writing slumps (does that make sense? If it doesn't oh well) just please request! I have loads of oneshots I need to edit and then they will hopefully be out, if I have the time for them. Yeah, please request because it honestly helps so much when I'm unmotivated and/or having writers block. Hopefully I will see you all soon, but please forgive me if I just disappear for a little bit. It's just life is hectic and I feel I don't have time to just relax and wind down at the moment. I promise I'll try and squeeze in updates for you, but if I don't I just wanted you to know what was happening.

Please request loves! They honestly help so much

Hopefully see you soon my loves! x

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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