Merlin no...

582 14 2

A/N: This request is from the lovely Caspian_xe_frog hope you enjoy! xx
TW: crying, scars, mentions of SH, arguing, flinching, mentions of child abuse

In no way am I trying to romanticise these topics.

Regulus was sat on Sirius four poster bed in the marauders dorm, he had one leg tucked and the other hung over the edge at the foot of the bed. Head hung low, hands fiddling with the loose threads on his jumper sleeves. Sirius was pacing the room, James was stood biting his nails and Remus was trying to get Sirius to stop. This had all come about because of a howler he had gotten from his mother that very same morning. It was a regular howler detailing of how Regulus would never be good enough to be the their heir, how he was a screw up, a mistake. The list went on....

"Regulus, how many of those have you had?" Sirius asked calmly, although he didn't appear to be very calm as he was shouting. (If you get it I love you x) ", not many..." I didn't dare look in anyone's eyes. Especially not my brothers. "That's bullshit! Just fucking tell me!" Sirius flailed his arms up in the air and I flinched, luckily no one saw it. "Uh...5...10...12 maybe?" The room filled with a deadly silence and I was praying for the ground to swallow me up whole. I looked up for a split second and the three boys looked dumbfounded. Sirius was at a loss for words; well until he wasn't. "What the actual fuck?!?" Remus whispered something into Sirius' ear and his eyes bulged. "Calm down? Calm down! No I will not calm the fuck down! And why didn't you tell me?!" He walked over to me anger present in his footsteps. "It wasn't important, I just burn them anyway..." my voice was quiet, I couldn't be bothered to have a screaming match with my brother. "Why? Why didn't you just come with me?!" He screamed once more and I was beginning to get fed up. James hadn't uttered and word, his eyes remained trained on the floor. "Because Sirius..." I trailed off really and I mean really not in the mood for screaming. "Because what? You didn't have a choice?!? Don't start that crap. You had every fucking choice!" That was it...I snapped.

I sprang up from the bed and began shouting and screaming at Sirius. "No! That's where you're wrong! I didn't have a choice! I knew she'd come looking for both us if we both left. I stayed for you! How hard is it for you to comprehend in that pea-sized brain of yours that I am actually I nice person and I care about my older brother?! How fucking hard Sirius?!?" My face was red as I seethed, anger dripping from me like a knife. A feeling of dizziness washed over me and I was quick to sit back down. Then I pulled my sleeves over my shaky hands to cover them....well not just them. "And why are you covering your hands? It's boiling in here." Sirius was right, for a December morning it was quite warm in the dorm, unlike the Slytherin ones. "My hands are cold." I deadpanned, trying to hide the fear in my voice. He looked me dead in my eyes and my heart sank to my stomach....he was going to find out about everything. And I mean everything.

"Reg..." he trailed off and my eyes remained in my lap. "Regulus Black!...." Silence. "Regulus fucking Arcturus Black! Look at me for bloody Merlin's sake!" I finally looked up at him and I hadn't even realised there was tears flowing down my cheeks. He lifted up my sleeve and I could feel the life being sucked out of the room as his eyes lingered on my wrists. "I...I thought you stopped...why, you told me you wouldn't..." he was referring to the dark mark on my left forearm. I felt my heart shatter and my voice got stuck in the back of my throat. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't want it I promise, they made me...they pinned me down and made me...I, I didn't want it I promise and I just started doing it again and I'm sorry...I know I promised. I promised you..." I was near hysterics at this point, gasping for a breath of air as more warm, salty tears ran down my face.

I felt the weight of the bed sink as Sirius sat next to me, he pulled me into his chest and merlin did it feel good to be hugging my brother again. I cried and cried as Sirius ran a comforting hand up and down my back. "Reg, it's okay...I'm getting you out of there whether you like it or not. And I will not hesitate to kidnap your arse." I laughed at that and I could sense the smile that played on Sirius' lips. "We'll be okay, but promise me, you'll let me help you. I don't want you falling back into bad habits okay? And come to me for anything. Yes? Are we clear?" His voice to took on this motherly tone, most likely from living with the potters. "Yes mum." I snorted and he playfully hit my shoulder. "Cheeky buggar, come on I'm bloody starving." I sighed in content, glad we were okay but I just had to add...

"Dramatic little shit." Which earns me another slap and before I know it I'm running into the great hall trying to hide from my brother. Just like we were kids. Remus and James shot us crazy, confused looks from outside the dorm room door as we bolted past them, laughing like madmen but they brushed it off. It was probably quite normal, being friends with Sirius and all.

A/N: hey loves! I'm back, life has got even more hectic but I miss writing so I'm cramming even more stuff into my hectic schedule and I'm loving it! Did you miss me? Of course you did, haha sorry. Enough of me being annoying, glad and happy to be back sorry for this depressing one but don't worry there's more fluff to come, also go check out my mafia book "bound by blood" and my new locklyle sickfics if you're interested! Thanks x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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