Thunderstorms :// W

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Sirius hated thunderstorms.

He associated them with so many memories.

Bad ones.

He sat huddled in his four poster bed, his hands pressed so firmly over his ears some may have thought he could've crushed his skull. Yet, he could still hear the roaring of the thunder outside, the lightning crashing, the rain hammering, the water dripping from the roof. It was horrible. Sirius rocked back and forth praying Remus would be back soon. He was doing prefect rounds, James and Regulus were in the Slytherin dorms and Peter was off somewhere with some of his Hufflepuff friends. He really needed Remus. He longed for his touch, his hugs, his hands in Sirius' hair, the sweet nothings he'd whisper to him, his beautiful laugh, his perfect kisses, his everything. Hopefully, he'd return to the dorm soon. Prefect rounds started at around 9:00 and finished at 11:00, it was 11:13 now so Remus should be back in a few minutes. Sirius relaxed a little bit at this, but only for a few seconds as the thunder crashed and boomed even louder outside, making him jump out of his skin.

Thankfully, Remus walked through the dorm door, immediately noticing Sirius' panic and remembering his hatred for storms. He rushed over and pulled Sirius into a calming embrace, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "Shhh my love, it's ok. C'm ere." The boy whispered rubbing Sirius' back and running his free hand through his long black curls. Another loud bang could be heard and Sirius whimpered softly, hiding his tear-stained face even deeper in the crook of Remus' neck. Remus just sighed sadly, Rocking Sirius back and forth in his lap in hopes it would calm him down. "Here. Eat this, you'll feel better." Remus quietly spoke as he handed Sirius a chocolate from his pocket. Sirius just ate it timidly, then wrapped his arms around Remus' middle; squeezing a little tighter every time there was a bang.

Remus, grabbed the duvet and got them comfortably snuggled underneath it. They were just about to drift off, when he heard his name. "Remus...
He looked down to see it was Sirius. "Yes love?" He answered holding Sirius' hand tightly in his.
Thank you.. for, being here and not laughing" he finished tracing the scars on Remus' hands. Remus smiled "love, I'd never laugh I know what memories storms bring back..and besides it's like when you helped me to realise that being a werewolf doesn't make me a monster." He said looking down at his partner. Sirius laughed "Moony, you're not a monster. Never was, never will be. For Merlin's sake you fold your socks! I'm deeply sorry for not quaking in fear." Remus just laughed before placing a soft kiss on Sirius' forehead.

"I love you my gorgeous moon" Sirius mumbled, snuggling into Remus' chest.

"I love you more my gorgeous star." Remus muttered, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

A/N: hey guys! So sorry I've only posted this. My parents surprised me and my siblings with a last minute trip to see family and I haven't been able to finish editing. They will definitely be out tomorrow. See you soon my loves, hope you enjoyed xx

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