Only one :// J

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A/N: Hey loves, um...I'm here! I just kind of ghosted you all and I'm really sorry about that, things are really chaotic at the moment and I'm stressing out because there is so much going on right now, and half-term is nearly over, I go back to school Monday and I'm dreading it :/ but oh well, not much I can do about it and I'm sure it'll all be okay...I hope x

Anyway, this has sat in my drafts for what seems like an eternity and I'm determined to get back into writing because I'm really starting to miss it! So be looking out for more updates xx

TW's: mention of nightmare

Hope you enjoy!

It was the annual Hogwarts camping trip, this was by far one of the best things about Hogwarts. It gave students a chance to disconnect from magic and a chance to connect more with people across houses and years. The weekend trip consisted of typical 'muggle games' and team building activities where students could earn house points and overall it was just a nice way to connect with nature. Regulus had been with Barty and Evan for most of the day, doing activities together but more so just gossiping. What you can't blame them? Can you?

"I heard there was some fifth year who saw Slughorn, dancing, absolutely wasted in his office one random Tuesday night." Barty whispered as the trio walked on the gravel trail, falling behind the Gryffindor's and professors. Regulus and Evan gasped, continuing to whisper about other things they'd heard circulating around the Hogwarts corridors. "Mr. Black, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Rosier, is there any valid reason why you three are chatting throughout the demonstration?" Professor McGonagall turned to them, eyebrow raised. When none of them answered she beckoned Barty over. "Mr. Crouch, why don't you give us a demonstration?" She handed Barty the bow and arrow, the group of students fell silent. Well, apart from Regulus and Evan who were snickering quietly at their friend.

Barty pulled back the string and arrow, firing it anywhere but the target board, the students all began whispering, making little jokes and laughing whilst Barty did the walk of shame. "I hate you both, you know that?" He deadpanned staring at the two trying to bite back their laughter. "Oh but you love us Bartemius!" Evan dramatically fell into Barty's arms. "No, I seriously hate you twats." Although saying this Barty had the ghost of a smile on his face. "Rude." Regulus laughed, dragging the word out sending the other two into fits of giggles as they continued archery.

"Right students! Listen up, I'm going to read your cabin number and who you'll be sharing with. Betty Bones, George green cabin 19, Alexander Mere, Susan Todd cabin 17, Sirius black, Remus Lupin cabin 22, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr cabin 26, James Potter, Regulus Black cabin 24." McGonagall continued calling out names but Regulus felt his face pale.

"Professor, can I switch cabins with someone?" Regulus almost pleaded as James came up behind him. "Please Minnie." James begged, Regulus could've snorted. "I'm sorry boys, there is nobody you can switch with. Goodnight." Regulus could've sworn he saw a smirk on her lips as she walked away toward the other professors.

He'd have to share a cabin with Potter.

James Potter for crying out loud!

The one person he hated most.

"How come you two are together? and I'm stuck with fucking Potter." Regulus grumbled to his friends. "Sorry mate, try to come back in one piece will ya?" Evan chuckled as he and Barty headed to their cabin. Regulus begrudgingly making his way to his. His gaze met Potter's just as they were about to walk through the door. "Potter." Regulus mumbled, waiting for James to open the door with the key in his hand. "Black." James gestured to the open door and let Regulus walk in first, following shortly after. When the room came into view their faces fell to the floor.

"Fuck." They gasped in unison, staring at the one bed in the room. "I'm sleeping on the bed." James tossed his bag onto the bed, almost like he was trying to claim it. "Fuck no, I'm sleeping on the bed." Regulus also threw his bag down on the king sized mattress. They went back and forth for a while but eventually Regulus gave up, having no energy left to argue. The two got ready for bed and soon enough it was time for lights out.

James climbed into bed, whilst Regulus tried to make himself comfortable on the cold wooden floor, nothing but a pillow with him. "Can I at least have a blanket? I'm bloody freezing down here." Regulus heard James groan, but he threw a blanket at Reg's face nonetheless. Despite having a blanket, Regulus was still freezing cold. His teeth chattered, as he tossed and turned on the floor, not being able to find a comfortable position to sleep in. "I swear to Godric get your arse up here, I cannot deal with your teeth clattering for a second longer." Regulus was hesitant at first but took up on the offer, anything was better than sleeping on the floor. Even if it meant sleeping next to James Potter.

"Stay on your goddamm side, if you do so much as brush against me, I will put my cold feet on you. Got it?" James' lip twitched upwards the tiniest bit. "Noted." The pair turned away from each other so they were back to back and within a few minutes they were asleep on their sides of the bed.

Regulus shot up, gasping and chest heaving, his lungs felt like they were on fire. He cautiously looked over at James, who stirred, at the movement before sitting up, rubbing his eyes.
Shit, Regulus had woken him, how embarrassing. "Regulus? It was just a bad dream...just a dream. It wasn't real..." James pulled his glasses onto his face, scanning over Regulus. "Can I?..." James trailed off, fiddling with his hands in his lap. Regulus just nodded, and leaned into James' open arms, feeling James' hand stroking his hair. It was...nice.

They stayed like that for a while, 'till James pulled them both down onto the bed, Regulus moved out of James' arms and some part of him felt...empty. Regulus attempted to go back to sleep but James began snoring obnoxiously loudly, making it impossible. Regulus kicked James in the shin, hoping the noise would stop. And it did, for about two minutes. Although after that the snoring became louder and louder. Regulus would kick James and the noise would stop but then after a minute or two the noise would just increase. "James, I'm starting to think you're awake and just doing this for the fun of it. For fucks sake shut up!" Regulus kicked James once more and per Regulus' suspicions the boy sat up giggling, unable to control himself.

"Stop! You idiot!" Regulus tried to remain serious but he ended up laughing. "Make me." Regulus can almost hear the smirk in James' voice. Without even thinking, Regulus wraps his arms around James, one arm spooning him, the other covering his mouth to stop him from snoring.

James pulls Reg's hand away from his mouth and lets it rest around his waist, they both fall asleep like that. Regulus relishing in the warmth that James brings. James savouring the safe feeling he gets with Regulus wrapped around him,

A/N: Woah! That was actually so long...whoops! But I kind of love how it turned out, and I'm glad to be updating again! x

Would you like a part 2? When they wake up, or someone else does? I'd love to write part 2, but only if you lovely lot are interested and if so give me some prompts x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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