Christmas :// J and W

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Christmas. Christmas is a time where most would decorate the Christmas tree, bake cookies, eat lots of food. Yes, the potter's did do all of that, but along with it they had yearly quidditch games, they would see who could make the craziest Christmas tree, they'd do D.I.Y! like one year Effie had taught them how to knit and they had made mug covers. Honestly the Potter's Christmas' were amazing. This year they had their yearly quidditch match, it was Fleamont and James vs Regulus and Sirius. Effie was reffing the game. The score was currently 90-80 to James and Fleamont, but Regulus had caught a glimpse of the snitch out the corner of his eye. There it was. He saw it again and went for it. He pulled into a nosedive and stretched out his hand. That was it he caught it! He landed alongside everyone else and Sirius cheered wrapping his arm around Regulus' shoulder. "Well done reggie." He beamed going to ruffle Regulus' hair. "Not. The hair." Sarcasm dripping from his lips, Sirius just put his hands up in mock  surrender while James laughed. The group all began to walk inside and they made hot chocolates, and of course Sirius burnt himself with it, because when is there a day that Sirius never accidentally hurts himself? Never is the word. Never. Regulus and James were sat by the counter drinking their hot chocolate, pinkies linked under the table, when there was a knock at the door. Regulus turned to James a look of confusion spread on his face. James just shrugged and jogged over before opening the door. "Moony!" James exclaimed wrapping his arms around the taller boy. "Alright prongs? Hey reg." he smiled as he broke away from James hug. "Hey rem, I thought you were staying at your for Christmas?" Regulus questioned walking over to the pair. "I was but, Effie invited me over and mum said it was ok so here I am." He replied chuckling slightly. Just then Sirius walked out of the bathroom. "Moons! Why are you here?" He asked squeezing his boyfriend. "Effie invited me over for Christmas." He answered squeezing his boyfriend just as tight. James and Regulus felt their hearts swoon at the couple. "Come on everyone we're decorating the Christmas tree." Fleamont told us as we all followed him into the living room. They all began decorating and Christmas music was blasting through the house.

All of the boys sighed in content as they flopped on James' bed. They finally finished the Christmas tree, it had taken them forever but it was so fun nonetheless. James yawned and leaned his head on Regulus' shoulder. Regulus looked down at his boyfriend. "You tired my darlin?" James just nodded against Regulus' chest, clearly not having the energy to reply. Regulus pulled the glasses away from James' face and carefully placed them on the bedside table. He placed a quick kiss to his head, before gently threading his fingers through James unruly hair. Soon enough, Regulus had drifted to sleep with his head resting on James.'
God they looked fucking adorable.

Basically like this 🥹❤️

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Basically like this 🥹❤️

Sirius glanced over to the bed from Remus' lap on the rug where the two were playing exploding snap, noticing the two. "Moons, look." He whispered nudging his side slightly. "That's so fucking cute." Remus whispered back. "I know. They're amazing together." He giggled placing a quick peck on Remus' lips before getting up and softly placing a blanket over the two of them, then he and Remus headed up to bed themselves.

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