I'll always love you :// J

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A/N: hey! Welcome, this is a fluffy oneshot because my day has been shit and I started my period so I decided to base this oneshot on it.

Reggie is a trans guy you can't tell me otherwise and I was doing a lil bit of research and it said trans guys can still get periods. I don't know if it's accurate so please correct me if I'm wrong x

Hope you enjoy my loves xx

The morning was moving incredibly slowly, I had a terrible ache in my stomach and I felt so over tired. I had also nearly fallen asleep in two classes, god what was wrong with me today. Lunch had finally come and I made my way into the great hall, I wasn't hungry but I thought I'd try and eat something. Maybe it'd stop the twisting pain that was growing in my stomach. That's when it hit me. Fuck I was meant to start my period. I still got them because when I transitioned I was told by healers that my magic interfered with my testosterone so until I was old enough for it to be safe for me to have more surgeries done I was stuck with periods. I trudged over to the Slytherin table and sat down with a huff slamming my head on the table in the process. "Oww." I just heard Evan laugh at me. "Hello to you too." He chuckled sarcastically, obviously sensing my mood. I lifted my head, staring at him with a scowl on my face, leaning and grabbing a plain piece of toast and eating it. He look at me questionably but I just glared at him. "Don't say anything. Today is not the day for it." He raised his eyebrows at me and I gave him a look. I could tell he knew what I meant and he mouth a sorry. I smiled and got up.

What a rookie mistake that was.

I felt the blood rush out and it made me feel so uncomfortable. Crap, what if I leaked? I decided it was best just to get out of there. I remembered that I'd ran out of supplies, I had intended to get more but it totally slipped my memory. I heads up toward the Gryffindor common room. I needed to find Sirius. Apart from Sirius, Evan, Barty, Dorcas and Pandora nobody else knew he was trans and still got periods. Sirius always kept stuff for me and told me if I needed it, to find him. Walking through the portrait hole felt weird, but in a good sort of way. It felt like home. A new type of home, warm and inviting. I hurriedly walked up the stairs to Sirius dorm, I begged for him to be alone so I wouldn't have to communicate through awkward looks. Low and behold, James was there with him. I normally wouldn't have cared, but in this situation in particular I was dreading it. I hadn't told James that I was trans yet and I wanted to tell him when I felt time was right. I poked my head around the door. "Sirius? Can I borrow you?" I bit my cheek anxiously. "Yeah sure..you okay?" He asked as he closed the door behind him. "I-um have you still got stuff, because um-" he cut me off, smiling slightly. "Course, give me two seconds." And with that he was gone. A few seconds later he came out again, making sure to shut the door behind him. "Here, I told James you left an astronomy book last time you were here. I didn't know if you had told him yet so I decided to cover in case not." I wrapped my arms around him in a hug "Thank you. You're a lifesaver." I ran off again and quickly sorted everything out. I decided to skip the rest of the day seen as my stomach seemed to worsen and I was just so tired.

I woke up to hear creaking floorboards. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked up to see who it was. "Oh shit. I didn't mean to wake you it's just, you missed the rest of the day and I was worried." I smiled trying to hide my growing blush. "Just feel like shit, didn't really want to go." He looked at me confused. Yet he held sympathy in his eyes knowing I wasn't 100%  "Sorry my love, what's wrong?" His fingers grazing along my knuckles making my heart do backflips. "Stomachache. It's been annoying me all day." I grimaced feeling as if my stomach was being twisted inside out. James beckoned for me to lay down with him, so I did. I felt arms slip around my waist and James' hand rubbed my stomach. "Better? I don't like seeing you in pain." His soft voice vibrating on my neck. I just nodded before I opened my mouth again. "Love, I need to tell you something. But I'm scared and I..I." He took my hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze as if to say 'it's okay, tell me.' "I'm trans. And the reason I needed Sirius was because he keeps pads and tampons and stuff for me incase I run out when I'm on my period and the reason I still have my period is because I can't have any major surgeries because I'm too young and yeah I understand if you don't feel the same anymore ." I took a deep breath, I nervously waited for James to answer me. "My love, it changes nothing, you're still mine and I get to call you that, how could I not feel the same, you're one of the most important people in my life. I love you. I'll always love you." I couldn't help but feel a few tears roll down my cheeks. "Now now, no tears, you're my Regulus. Always have been always will be." I blushed profusely at this making James chuckle.

"My cute blushing mess"

"Only for you Jamie boy."

We both fell into a dreamless sleep.
I was his and he was mine.

A/N: hope you enjoyed!
I love this, I think it's one of my favourites.
Please keep requesting, I love your ideas!!
See you soon loves xx

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