Finding out :// W

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A/N: hey everyone! This request is for @JamesPotter_4ever x
Sorry it took so long but here it is x
Non-magic au, because it's easier to write lol ❤️
Hope you enjoy xx

I had decided today was the day I come out to Regulus, he came out as gay and he embraced it and I couldn't be prouder of him. Although he was dating James and I was a bit shocked about it to start with but I'd got used to it and I was happy that my best mate and my brother were happily out together. I was tired of hiding in the closet, I wanted to feel the freedom that the others had experienced when they came out, so I'd taken it upon myself and I'd decided I would come out to Regulus and introduce him to Remus. He knew I was dating a guy yet he didn't know I was gay and he hadn't met Remus yet. I gave him and Remus a quick text asking for them to meet me at the park nearby at one and both agreed, surprisingly. That was easy. I paced around James' living room anxiously while glancing at the clock every few minutes. That was until James pulled me down next to him on the sofa. "Mate, stop stressing. It'll be fine I promise, Regulus will accept you and him and Remus will get along great, they're both sarcastic and love books and coffee. It'll be great I promise." He Pat me on the shoulder smiling softy and I pulled him into a hug. "Thanks Jamie-boy what would I do without ya?" I smiled and he laughed. "Probably die, that's what." I just laughed and then made my way upstairs to get changed ready for the meet-up with my brother and my boyfriend.

I chose a pair of ripped jeans, with black boots, an AC/DC band shirt along side my classic leather jacket and I accessorised with a few rings and my chain necklace. Then I made my way down the stairs and began walking to the park just around the corner. It looked like I was the first one so I settled with sitting on a bench, waiting for the others to turn up. I wasn't waiting very long before I felt someone ruffle my hair and jump over the back of the bench sitting next to me. "Prick, you'll ruin my hair." I laughed looking at my brother. "Well hello to you to twat. Now why did you want me to meet you here? You only ever text me the aubergine (eggplant, I'm British don't come at me 😭🙈) emoji either there's something really important or your drunk and need someone to pick you up because you're boyfriend can't ." I laughed, it was true, we had a secret code using our emojis aubergines were used in emergencies or when I was too drunk to get myself back to Remus apartment. Just then Remus turned up and I smiled warmly at him. I was going to tell him right now. No more hiding.

"Well Reggie, I'm gay and this is my boyfriend Remus." I gestured to Remus and Reggie's face only grew into a huge smile, then a sly smirk. "So you're my insufferable brothers boyfriend." I was about to butt in but Remus replied quickly. "Yeah, I'm Remus." They shook hands and Regulus still had that sly smirk on his face, one that I knew all too well. "Yeah I know, Sirius doesn't shut up about you." Now it was Remus' turn to smirk as he gave me the cheeky side eye. "Oh really?" They both looked at me fully and I was bright red, like a tomato. I looked down at the floor embarrassed and flustered. God the things one Remus Lupin can do to you. They both looked back at each other again and they began talking once more. "I'm sick of it actually, nice to meet you though. I've heard loads about you." Regulus laughed light-heartedly. "Nice to meet you too, and good things I hope." Remus smiled at my brother and it made my heart warm to see them hitting it off, just like James said they would. "All good things, don't you worry." We walked around the park a bit and Regulus and Remus were chatting about books. Typical bookworms. No, bookdragons.

We grabbed a coffee in a nearby cafe before we decided to call it a day and head home, Remus and Regulus exchanged numbers and I was glad they both got on with each other and me and Regulus headed back to James' place and I couldn't stop smiling the whole way, I finally had done it I was out. I was free and I was absolutely loving it.

This is what freedom felt like.
The sweet taste of freedom.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! Three updates in a day, I'm proud of myself x

See you soon my loves 💜

All the love x

Cali xx

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