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A/N: hey everyone!! Hope you enjoy this x
Sorry, I feel my updates have been pretty crap lately, I just kinda hate them but oh well x
Just another black brothers oneshot ❤️
Hope you enjoy this xx

I was sat in potions with the fourth years, aka my brothers year and I was chatting to James in a hushed voice hoping that Slughorn wouldn't catch us, Regulus was sat in front of us alongside Evan and he looked incredibly bored, to be fair I think everyone was, I even noticed Barty asleep at his desk next to Dorcas. Slughorn was droning on and on about some sort of potion that I didn't catch the name of but whatever it was the professor was making it a hell of a snooze fest. "Right everyone I want you to make an amortentia potion." Everyone immediately perked up at this and began gathering ingredients for the potion. Me and James had finished our potion without it blowing up in our faces and Slughorn beckoned for the class' attention. "As you all know Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world and you are meant to smell what you are attracted to, so I would like a few of you to come up to the front and tell us what you smell. Regulus, my boy. Tell us what you smell."

Regulus made his way to the front and smelt the potion and I didn't fail to see the slight blush that rose to his cheeks. "I smell, cinnamon, broom polish, hair products and fire wood."  I knew that smell all too well. James cleans his broom weekly, he drinks tea with cinnamon by the fire in the common room and he uses his dads bran of hair products. Regulus liked James. "James, why don't you try." James strutted over to the cauldron and gasped slightly before answering. "Mint gum, old parchment, lavender and the forest." I knew who he was talking about once again. Regulus chews mint gum, he wears lavender cologne, he writes in an old notebook full of parchment by the forbidden forest.
James liked Regulus. I was ecstatic! My best friend and my brother liked each other. How adorable. "Remus, how about you try." Remus sauntered over to the front and smelt the potion. "Smells like, almonds, gasoline, coffee and you know that feeling you get when you have something new and you want to keep it nice forever. That's what it smells like." He sat down again and I was in shock. That's how I smelt, I drank coffee every morning, I liked to tinker with my motorbike and I eat almonds all the time. Did Remus like me? I was snapped out of my train of thought when Slughorn called me up. I took a whiff and suddenly the whole room smelt like... "Ink, books, chocolate and wool sweaters." Shit that's exactly what Remus smelt like...I mean...I kinda did like Remus.

"Right, that is all we have time for today. Class dismissed." Everyone started leaving but I grabbed Regulus' arm and dragged him into an abandoned classroom. "Sirius, what do you wa-." He exclaimed but I cut him off. "You like James! Don't you! You smelt him in Amortentia." He looked nervous but I placed my hand on his shoulder. "James likes you too, he looked so nervous after he told the class what he smelt. I'm happy for you both. My best friend and my brother. Go talk to him!" He smiled at me. "Remus likes you too. And you like him. Go shoot your shot. You are both totally whipped for each other." He winked then left without another word. Merlin, I did really like Remus, the way he studied, the way he laughed, the way he smiled, the way he ran his hands through his hair.
He was just perfect.
I took Regulus' advice and I ran off to find him.

The library. We had a free period and Remus mentioned something earlier about writing an essay for charms, he must've been there. I practically ran to the library and found Remus at our table, near the back surrounded by a few bookshelves. "Moony! Whatcha doing?" I asked him trying to sound as casual as I could but this was moony we were talking about. He can read people like a book, he'd easily catch on that I was really scared. 'What if he rejects me?' 'What if he hates me?' 'What if he doesn't even like guys?' These thoughts raced through my head and I found myself staring off into space. That was until Remus started talking whilst snapping his finger in my face. "Pads? Hello? Earth to Sirius. Sirius you there?" I quickly snapped out of my daydream and stared at his gorgeous face.

Merlin I could sit and admire him for hours.
How was I going to ask him on a date?

A/N: hey everyone! Sorry for the cliffhanger lol...let me know if you want a part 2!

See you soon loves x

All the love 💜

Cali xx

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