2am shenanigans :// W

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A/N: I'm back bitches! Did you miss me? Of course you did, who wouldn't? Right enough of me being a narcissistic bitch. Moving swiftly on...I'm so sorry I keep disappearing I'm quite stressed with school, family all of that jazzy stuff, writing has just not seemed appealing and I've put it off so many times because of lack of motivation and writers block, but she's back! I'm back and I'm ready to try updating because it's Easter break for two weeks at the end of the school day on Friday! Hallelujah! So I'll probably be updating lots out of boredom and I'm not busy so I'll have a lot of free time x

Enough of my chit-chat, let's get on with this cutesy wolfstar oneshot that was meant to be out centuries ago from my options chapter x

Hope you enjoy!

I opened my eyes once more and flopped onto my back with a sigh, rubbing my hands quite aggressively over my face in frustration at not being able to fall asleep. "Darlin'" I mentally cursed myself for waking Remus up. "Hm? Sorry...did I wake you?" I quickly apologised, my whisper fading into the dark room. "No, no, couldn't sleep either?" I shook my head which now rested upon Remus' chest as I listened to his heartbeat. Feeling a shift of weight in our bed I looked up to see Remus, skin glowing radiantly in the moonlight with a hand outstretched to me. "Come on, I have an idea... and put your slippers on. I know you hate getting cold feet." I gently took his hand, interlacing his warm fingers with my colder ones and put my slippers and dressing gown on before I let him guide me to wherever we were going.
Merlin, I'd let this man take me to the end of the Earth if he wanted to.

"Rem, where are we going?" He just turned to me a lovesick smile on his face that I adored. "You'll see. Now come on!" We eventually stopped in front of the kitchens and Remus tickled the pear to let us in. There was a sea of house elves working and they didn't really seem to mind us being in here at two in the morning...us and the marauders are in here from all various times of night to the morning most days. So, I'd like to think that they've just gotten used to us showing up at ungodly hours for snacks and treats. "Soo..seen as we both can't sleep I thought I could teach you how to make brownies. The muggle way." I beamed at him and we got to work right away. "Sirius good Godric your face is making Casper the ghost look tanned." He laughed, coughing slightly as I choked on a fog of flour that surrounded us. Trust me to tear open a bag of flour to quickly and end up with it all over my face and in my hair might I add. "I think I look even hotter like this? Wouldn't you agree my love?" Remus rolled his eyes, shoving me playfully whilst he gently dusted flour off of my face. "Muppet..." he mumbled giggling quietly. "Uh, I heard that. Rude."

After a few more shenanigans the brownie batter was in the oven and I sighed, chuckling as I looked over at Remus who was sat next to me, hand placed on my knee. "Darlin', remind me to tell you to never become a baker. Like ever." He looked at me, face stifling into a contagious grin. "I wasn't that bad!...well maybe I was..." my mind wandered off thinking about how I'd spilled half a bag of flour and got it all over my face and hair, I'd splattered batter everywhere trying to use an 'electric whisk' whatever the bloody hell that was and an egg had ended up cracked on a house elves head after I dropped it. I did apologise profusely. "I love you." He swooped in and kissed me passionately. "I love you more sweetheart." I mumbled still kissing the boy I was head over heels in love with. But, our kiss was interrupted by the oven timer bleeping. Very blimming loudly might I add.
Can't you see we're a bit busy over here?

Remus took the brownies out of the oven and cut them into little hearts handing me one which I blushed profusely at, we pretty much ate in silence apart from the quiet hustle and bustle of the house elves preparing food or the many chaste kisses along the way. We finished our brownies before then downing a few warm glasses of milk. Remus wrapped up the remaining brownies in another muggle object called 'cling-film' sounded like a film genre to me but he assured me it wasn't, then we were off to bed quietly scurrying the down the halls up to the Gryffindor tower. We scampered through the common room and crept into the dorm, trying to make as little noise as possible. Remus placed the tuple-ware full of goey brownies on his bedside table and we got situated under the covers once more.

"Goodnight Darlin'." I smiled at the pet name and then replied.
"Goodnight sweetheart." I fell asleep to the smooth rhythm of Remus heartbeat and the feeling of his fingers running through my curls and soon enough we were both asleep. Now quite tired after our 2am baking shenanigans.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this! I actually am quite proud of it, I thought it was super cute x

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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