French plaits :// W

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A/N: Just a fluffy wolfstar oneshot because I feel like it! I'm British and plait is literally our word for braid, just incase you didn't know x
Hope you enjoy!! xx

I was sat in the common room reading one of my favourite books, it was really quiet today which I loved, the only noise was the light crackling of the roaring fire. It was very calming. Seen as most of the Gryffindor's were at the quidditch game against Hufflepuff. I did want to go to but it had began raining rather heavily and I really wasn't in the mood to get absolutely drenched in the rain. Time ticked by, as I read page after page. The story was getting good, she was just about to find out who went missing with her husband of a year that was until I was interrupted with cheering coming from the portrait hole. Sirius was beaming. Merlin how much I loved that smile of his. He quickly made his way over to me and pulled me into a short, sweet kiss. When we pulled away he was beaming again. "Moons! We won!" God he looked adorable when he was excited. "Well done love, why don't you go shower? Don't want you getting sick. Then I can plait your hair if you want me too." I smiled warmly, I loved plaiting his gorgeous hair. The way his silky curls fell through my fingers, or his smile when he looked at them in the mirror. His smile was absolutely beautiful. He nodded and headed up to the dorm.

When he came down I thought he looked. HOT. His wet curls were tied up into a loose man bun. With a pencil. A pencil! Oh how Sirius black could make a man swoon. He knew how I felt about him tying his hair up. I may have been sitting down but the sight of him still made me weak in the knees. He sauntered over and sat down, pulling me into a more passionate kiss. "You need to sit in front of me, so I can plait your hair." He sat in front of me instantly relaxing into my touch at the feeling of my hands running through his hair. I began grabbing sections of his hair and plaiting it. Soon, I had made one plait at the back of his hair and I was proud of my masterpiece, I was about to show Sirius what it looked like in the mirror only to come to the conclusion that he'd fallen asleep in between my legs.

Gently, I picked him up and pulled him into my chest, I was going to take him up to the dorm but he had curled into my lap and I didn't have the heart to move in fear of walking him up. I pulled a nearby blanket over the two of us and I placed a tender kiss to his forehead before I began reading again. Hours passed and the only noise in the common room was quiet chatter amongst a group of third years and the warm rumbling flames of the fire. I continued reading my book, well that was until I felt a light grumble from Sirius. "Rem? Sorry did I fall asleep?" He mumbled still snuggled into my chest. "Yeah you did, don't apologise love, I figured you'd be tired after the match." I kissed the top of his head before muttering. "Do you want to go up to the dorm?, we can cuddle there if you want." He just nodded his head and I scooped him up bridal style before walking up the stairs towards our dorm. I laid him on the bed and then laid next to him, pulling him into my chest by his waist. "Moony, thank you for plaiting my hair. I love it." His voice was soft and he sounded like he was falling asleep already.

"That's alright Pads, go to sleep, I'm not leaving anytime soon." I kissed him once more, god I loved this boy. "Promise you won't leave, even after I fall asleep." I chuckled at him lightly before replying. "I promise, I won't I love you Sirius." He smiled faintly whispering an "I love you too Remus." And with that he was asleep. Light snores came from the four poster bed as I ran my hand up and down his back softly. Soon enough, I felt my eyelids droop and I fell asleep too.

Asleep, next to my gorgeous boy.

A/N: hope you enjoyed! I loved writing this it was just so cutesy and sweet! I honestly love wolfstar they are so sweet!
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See you soon my loves xx

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