Jumpers :// W

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A/N: hey everyone! I thought of this at school on Friday, so I hope it turns out alright!

Cutesy wolfstar ❤️

Hope you enjoy my lovelies xx

It was a harsh winter morning and Sirius was absolutely fucking freezing, he could've sworn the temperature in the castle had dropped to -1000 degrees. Well why couldn't he just cast a heating charm? You ask. Sirius had lost his wand, for the fourth time today. He had scoured every inch of the Gryffindor tower and he could not find it for the life of him. He debated on going to sit by the fire that would usually be blazing in the common room but there was a crisp draft that kept finding its way into the common room and it would just blow out the fire in an instant. It was useless 'I'm going to freeze to death in here' he thought to himself as he shivered once again, desperately looking around the dorm for any source of warmth he could find. He did debate on crawling into his and Remus' shared bed, they'd pushed they're two four poster beds together to make one double bed even though they probably didn't need that much space seen as they were always tangled up close together. Most nights they shared the same pillow, it was the sweetest thing. Eventually he decided against it, his reason being it would take far too long for the covers to warm up.
Honestly what a drama queen.

Pacing around, viciously rubbing his hands over his crossed arms in attempts to warm himself up. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Moony's trunk was open, and what is Remus Lupin famous for, except being the Casanova of Gryffindor. His jumpers. Merlin Sirius would try and steal them all the time and fail miserably might I add, Remus either caught him or he was distracted doing something else. Believe me. Sirius Black could not multitask, the last time he tried to do that he nearly set the Marauders dorm on fire, but we're not going to talk about that. He hastily rushed over to his trunk and pulled out one of moony's jumpers. It was his favourite. It was a chocolate brown colour with stripes of navy blue, cream and grey. Sirius pulled it over his head and immediately breathed in, it was like Remus was standing right next to him.

Sirius had always stolen Remus' jumpers. Ever since first year. They had always had a special bond, James described it as "something more bond." He caught on quite quickly while the boys were best friends for their first few years at Hogwarts, he knew that best friend bond and relationship would still be there but it would progress into something more.
Which it did.
Sirius often took Remus' jumpers in his earlier years because it reminded him of Remus and his warm hugs.
Yes Remus was a hugger.
Only for his Sirius though.
He knew that when Sirius needed a hug, he needed one and sometimes Sirius needed one of his Moony hugs but Remus was busy so he would resort to taking his jumpers instead, where Remus would later find him curled up asleep with the sleeves of his jumper covering his hands. Now that the two idiots had confessed to each other and they had been happily dating it became an even more normal occurrence that Sirius would steal Remus' jumpers. Or at least try to.

Sirius was now sat on one of the sofas in the Gryffindor common room and he was drawing on his hand, he honestly loved drawing and he found it was one of his favourite pass-times. Sirius was just finishing another little star he'd drawn when he heard the portrait swing open. It was Remus, he knew by his comment straight away. "Bloody Blimmey, it's a bit chilly in 'ere, I'm just going to go grab my ju-." He was really just talking to himself but he soon caught sight of Sirius and he rolled his eyes playfully before sitting next to him. "Stealing my jumpers ey?" He laughed, cheekily pinching Sirius' sides making him squirm and giggle as Remus' welsh accent became a little thicker. "I was cold and you weren't here to give me a Moony hug." Sirius pouted sadly making puppy eyes at Remus. "Well, I'm here now aren't I? Sorry the prefects meeting took so long, people didn't know what they were doing and kept asking useless questions. Honestly you were the only thing I thought about, and now I can't stop, seeing you all cutesy in my jumper." Sirius' cheeks turned pink and he hid his face in the crook of Remus' neck. The tawny haired boy chuckled under his breath affectionately and wrapped his arms around the raven haired boy, pulling him into his lap more.

"There. Is that better? Now you can have all the Monny hugs you want because I'm not going anywhere." He gently pressed a kiss to Sirius' forehead, then his nose, his cheeks and his lips before he softly peppered kisses across his whole face. Sirius loved when Remus was extra affectionate like this, it made him feel even safer knowing that Remus was by his side and he would be every single step of the way.

A/N: hope you enjoyed!
I loved writing this, we love a bit of fluffy wolfstar! I mean who doesn't?

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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