Therapist friend :// J

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Part 2-

James walked in, his face seething with anger and hurt. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON!" It fell silent. James never shouts. Everyone knew it was bad. The silence lingered for what felt like hours... that was until Sirius spoke. "Mate, just tell reg you were joking about what you told him earlier. It was a good prank." James' face fell. His eyes widened. "Prank? Sirius why the actual fuck would I prank someone about me being raped and sexually assaulted by my uncle?" James had angry tears rolling down his cheeks. "The funny thing is, I was there for all of you the minute I saw you were even the slightest bit not okay. But it takes me to break down for you lot to fucking notice I'm not?. Wow. Some friends you are. Well I guess that's life. Isn't it? How your friends say they're there for you, when in reality they stop caring and don't know a damn thing about you. To the point where you just feel like strangers." The whole room was silent no one uttered a word. James left, slamming the door as he went out.

"You lot need to fix this." Regulus muttered as he ran out of the door to find James. He found him. He was in an empty corridor, crying. Fuck he was punching the wall so hard his knuckles were bruised and bleeding. "James. Shit. James" Regulus breathed out. "Here sit down, I need to bandage up your hands." James just slid down the wall, too tired to care. "It's gonna hurt like a bitch, but I need to bandage these up." Regulus said in a makeshift accent. "Reg I'm sorry to tell you, but your not funny." Regulus gasped in mock offence. "I am dearly sorry ol' chap that I'm not as funny as you." In a sorta 12th century English accent. James laughed, quietly and Regulus gave him a look of 'haha bitch I am funny' before finishing bandaging James' hands. "There you go Jamie, I love you." He smiled pressing a delicate kiss to his lips. Regulus pulled James up and they made there way back to his dorm. It had been a good few hours and Regulus was hoping and praying that James and his friends would be okay again. Surely enough as soon as they walked through the door, James was tackled in a bear hug. "God James we're so sorry, we were such idiots and prats and twats and we are so sorry. I don't know why I thought it was a prank. That's just wrong. And we're sorry, for not noticing. That's us being shit friends. And we're so sorry, and.." James just burst out laughing. "Merlin of course I forgive you, you prat's. Why wouldn't I? I was just angry and yeah. But of course I forgive you lot of arses." They all hugged and Regulus was smiling from the corner watching them. Suddenly, James grabbed Regulus' face and kissed him passionately. "What was that for?" Regulus asked, smiling like an idiot. "Just for being you." James smiled back.

They turned around to Sirius with his hands over his eyes "can I look now?, I don't really want to see my little brother and best mate snogging."he shuddered at the thought, Remus replied "Yes, you dolt." Laughter filled the room, before Everyone made a plan to make sure James got help he needed with everything going on and later in the day they were informed by Euphemia and Fleamont that James' psycho uncle was sent to prison. They couldn't be happier. And Sirius being Sirius finished it off with. "James, your uncle can go rot like a wrinkly prune, for all I care. Siriusly." This set everyone off laughing, which inspired the idea of "Pillow fight!" Regulus was glad, his boy and his friends were ok. His brother too.

A/N: There is part 2 for people who were waiting, patiently so thank you guys x
Hope you enjoyed!!
See you soon my loves xx

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