Just...hold me? :// J

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this x
A friend gave me the idea x
Please keep requesting on my two most recent A/N's because I need ideas. Xx
I wrote this in 15mins, so I hope it's ok!
TW's: Touch starved Reggie, mentions of scars, cuts, past abuse, crying
Don't read it these will trigger you x
Hope you enjoy!!!

James was concerned about Regulus, he was concerned about him and their relationship. Sure they'd kissed and hugged but really nothing more than that. James wanted to do other coupley things with Regulus, like have late night cuddles, holding hands, talks until morning, give each compliments till the other blushed, whisper sweet nothings in each others ears, random hugs where they'd squeeze the other just a bit tighter, harmless flirting, tickle wars, pillow fights, midnight feasts in the kitchens, listening to the other read. God there was so much he wanted to do with his boy. He decided to talk to him about it, now where would a certain Regulus black be on a Friday evening?

The Astronomy tower.

I trudged up the stairs and to no surprise I saw my boyfriend sitting legs crossed, playing his guitar as he stared up at the stars. God he was ethereal, perfect and drop dead gorgeous. How did I deserve him? "Hey baby.." I mumbled so he'd turn around to look at me. "Hey love, you okay?" He questioned before patting the spot next to him, indicating for me to sit. We sat in silence for awhile, just me watching Regulus stare at the stars with so much love and passion. "Reg, I need to talk to you about something...it's important." I whispered into the brisk night air. His head snapped round and he motioned for me to carry on, his face turning into one of worry and concern. "Well, I know we've kissed and hugged a few times, but..we..well, we haven't really done any other coupley things. Like holding hands, or cuddling, or something like that. I just wondered...if you wanted to. If you're okay with that, that is." I rambled on, I saw Regulus visibly tense up, his posture becoming rigid and stiff as his face paled.

Regulus fiddled with the rings on his fingers, looking lost in a deep train of thought. "I..James, I just. I don't know. I want to. I really do, but it's just really overwhelming to think about it. Then I remember everything that happened...and it...it just, makes..me t..think about g...g..getting hurt, I know you'd never hurt me, but it's ju..just so hard to forget these memories and the scars and I try..but I just can't! I don't want to live in fear anymore James..." his voice broke off trembling, tears glossed his beautiful eyes, oh how I felt my heart shatter. "Oh love, I know. And I am so incredibly proud, I wouldn't have been able to do any of what you did. I know it's hard, trust me. But do you at least want to try? I won't be angry if you say no, but I promise if you do say yes and you feel uncomfortable at any point, we'll stop right away. Okay?" I saw the pain, yet love in his eyes. I wanted him to try, I just wanted to have him in my arms. "Okay...but just please d..don't let it..hurt." He mumbled gazing up at me as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. "Of course I won't love..just tell me if you want to stop okay?" He nodded as I wiped the remaining tears from his flushed face.

"Love, I'm going to pull you into my lap and I'm going to wrap my arms around your middle. Is that alright?" He just nodded, taking a deep breath. I variously pulled his slightly shaky frame into me and wrapped my arms around him, as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. I could feels tears on my neck as I looked down at my boyfriend. "Regulus, love, are you okay. I can stop if you feel uncomfortable." I whispered in his ear, hoping to soothe him a little. "I just feel weird-" I slowly let go of him, only for my to pulled back around him. "Please don't stop...it's a good weird, it feels nice." I smiled to myself before I began talking again. "I'm so proud of you love, you should be proud of yourself too. It's not easy to do what you just did, I know it can be really overwhelming, but you did it beautifully. I love you."

It was another cold January night and Regulus and James were sat on the astronomy tower again, just talking. The wind whistled and howled fiercely, making Regulus shudder with cold coursing through him. James seemed to catch onto this, furrowing his brows in concern. "Love, you're cold, here put this on." James took off his jacket and wrapped it around the shivering boy and he just mumbled a 'thank you' in return. Silence lingered and Regulus longed for James' warm embrace once more. "James? Can you..um. Just...hold me? Like you did the other day. You don't have to, of course...if you don't want to. That. That's fine" James smiled sweetly. "Of course I can love, come here." Regulus shuffled over and James just held him, occasionally playing with Reg's hair or planting kisses to his forehead.

"Reg, just remember this isn't like a one time thing, anytime you just want to do this we can, no questions asked. Plus I like doing this. I get to cuddle with my boy."

"What could be better than that? Ey'" Regulus blushed madly, but it just made it all the more special to James because nothing beats getting to cuddle and to his his boy.

A/N: hope you enjoyed!!!
Please keep requesting on my A/N's
See you soon my loves x

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