Husband material :// J

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A/N: UMMM...hi...I'm alive.

Sorry, I kind of just forgot about Wattpad for the whole of the summer holidays. Sorry about that! So have this...

Jegulus modern/muggle au!

Hope you enjoy!

Regulus sighed to himself as he filled the glass of water he'd been nursing waiting for his boyfriend Charlie to show up. They'd planned a little date in one of their favourite restaurants but Charlie was forty-five minutes late. He'd also made no sign of showing up, despite the multiple called and countless voicemails Regulus had left for him. Regulus sighed once more as he left yet another voicemail on Charlie's phone. 'Hey love, it's me again, Regulus. But of course you know that because of the other voicemails I've left on you're phone. Umm, just wanted to call ask where you's been nearly an hour and we agreed to meet at the Leaky. I'm here but you're not and you're locations not on so I'm just wondering if you forgot or you got stuck in traffic. Anyway let me know when you get this, bye love.'

It had now been over an hour and a half and there was still no sign of Charlie showing up. "Excuse me? Sir are you ready to order yet?" The waitress asked for the fourth time and Regulus sighed shaking his head. "Sorry, he's just running a little bit late. He should be here soon, thank you though." Regulus tried to smile, trying to mask the disappointment he was feeling. He'd been looking forward to the date for awhile now and here he was alone, looking bloody stupid might I add.

Regulus' head perked up every time the little bell on the door rang, signalling someone had just walked into the restaurant. Every time he'd looked up and hoped it was Charlie, but it wasn't. He'd watched as couples walked in hand in hand, smiling at each other like they were the centre of the other's universe, families with grinning children and elderly couples still looking positively in love after all those years. Regulus sighed, Charlie hadn't looked at him like that often, ever for that matter, but to these couples it couldn't help but seem normal, Regulus smiled sadly to himself about that, swirling the water around in his glass.

"Sir...are you sure how long your friend is going to be? Because it's busy tonight with it being Valentines and all and if you're not going to order I'm afraid I'm going to have to give your table to someone else. So sorry." The waitress smiled gloomily. "No, don't be it's alright. I get you're busy, I'll leave." He could feel the sorry glances coming from all around the restaurant and so Regulus made a quick move to grab his coat from the back of the chair but out of the corner of his eye he saw a guy with curly hair, round glasses and beautiful hazel eyes sit opposite him. "Hey love, god I'm so sorry I'm late, I was driving and traffic was an absolute nightmare." The guy made sure to speak extra loudly, almost as if he wanted the whole restaurant to hear.

Once the stranger was sure the waitress had left, he leant over the table to whisper to Regulus. "I'm James, just go with it yeah? I saw you through the window and thought you could use some help. Oh and whoever decided to stand up a  pretty guy like you on Valentine's is a twat." Regulus had blushed at the compliment, but gave James a small smile of gratitude. He was sweet, a charmer no doubt and Regulus couldn't look away from his cute face, with his piercing hazel eyes.

"So pretty boy, do I actually get to know your name or am I going to stare at you all night calling you mysterious stranger in my head?" Regulus nearly choked on his water. "'s, uh Regulus." He smiled at James sheepishly. "A pretty name for an even prettier face." James winked and Regulus wanted to swoon. "I think I owe it to you to tell you about myself so you don't think I'm some crazy idiot." Regulus laughed lightly at his words, listening to James talk, adding to the conversation when he deemed necessary as they are their food.

"So Reg, you never told me why you were alone in the Leaky on Valentine's, I mean...I have some guesses but I'm not a man to assume." Regulus took a sip of water, finding the glass very interesting as he spoke. "I..uh, I have a boyfriend. I was waiting here for him." James had his hands tucked under his chin when Regulus looked up at him finally. "I figured as much, I just thought you might want a husband." Regulus felt himself going beet red. "Someone who will treat you the way you deserve, not stand you up! Especially on Valentine's Day of all days! Honestly, the day of love, you're boyfriend is a dick. You need someone who will put you first for a change, someone who will actually care about you, someone who will look at you like you're the centre of the universe, someone who'll love you and not the idea of you. Someone like me." James continued, Regulus must've looked shocked at his words because James spoke again. God his voice sounded like smooth, melted caramel.

"I'm serious Reg, I like you, you're an incredible guy, anyone would be lucky to be with you. "Do you want my number I'd love to take you on a proper date sometime. Soon preferably, if you're down. I want to show you what it feels like to be treated the way you deserve." Regulus couldn't
help but smile widely. "I'd love that! Thank you James." The two exchanged numbers and left shortly after. Regulus had insisted on paying for dinner, seen as James had practically 'saved him'.   The pair left the restaurant, James opening the door for Regulus like the true gentleman he is.

"Let me walk you home, it's dark and I don't want you getting frostbite before our date." Regulus let out a laugh, squirming away from James as he tried to ruffle his curls. "Okay, but let me make a call first." Regulus clicked on 'Charlie xx' in his contacts and let the call ring, putting it on speaker. "Hello?" There was a groggy voice at the other end of the line. "Hey, just wanted to call to let you know I'm breaking up with you, arsehole. Trust me it's been a long time coming, I'm fed up, I can't deal with your bullshit anymore, this is the fourth time you've forgotten a date, I brushed the others off but Valentine's Day! Come on! Did you see all the bloody missed calls and voicemails on your phone? Because I waited nearly two hours for your pathetic arse and you didn't show up. You, me, it's over. Don't call me again. Ever. Goodbye Charlie." Regulus didn't even wait for a response before ending the phone call, blocking and deleting the number.

Reg sighed, feeling as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he turned to face James. "Wow, how'd he take it?" The boy questioned, Regulus only shrugged. "Didn't give him a chance to respond, I'm bored with his bullshit." James grinned at him, pulling Reggie into his side. "Proud of you, now come on you're ears are turning pink." The two walked to Regulus' apartment, James stopping at one point to wrap his scarf around Regulus, claiming it would look far better on him. Regulus exhaled happily, the scarf smelt of cinnamon, caramel and sandalwood, it smelt exactly like James.

The pair finally made it to Regulus' apartment building and the two uttered their goodbyes, but not before James could ask him this. "Reg can I kiss you?" Regulus' brain was travelling at a hundred miles per hour, but before he knew it he was nodding ecstatically feeling James warm lips crashing into his. The two pulled apart, red from the cold and the recent events. "I'll text you about our date, okay? I'm in the building just around the corner, feel free to stop bye...husband." James winked, Regulus knew he was joking but he really could see an amazing future with James. He leaned up giving him a light kiss on his cheek. "Bye husband."

Regulus turned to walk into his building as he watched James start his two minute walk to his apartment building. He had a good feeling about this.
A great one actually.
As he hung up James' red scarf on his coat rack.
A very great feeling.

I'm definitely making another part of their date! So don't you worry, very sorry if your names Charlie I'm sure you're wonderful, just Charlie in this is not. I've missed writing so much, really because I forgot about my account here, sorry! I've been busy. X
I think this was also the longest oneshot I've written at (1456 words) to be exact! That's really bloody crazy to think about

Also...3rd in Regulus Black! Thank you so much, I love all of you and I'm so grateful for every one of you for staying with me for this insane journey x

Please let me know what you thought!

See you in the next one x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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