Don't apologize :// J

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A/N: Hey lovelies this request was from the amazing! x
Hope this is somewhat what you wanted.
TW: mentions of bruises, under-eating, starvation, abuse.
Don't read if these may trigger you. X
hope you enjoy xx

Regulus hadn't been seen in ages.

Not at meals, not at classes.

He was just gone.

James was worried sick. He was determined to find out what had happened over summer. At that house. With those evil psychopaths. I had decided I was going with Sirius to speak to Barty and see if he knows anything. I wasn't normally very religious; but I found myself praying to god, that my baby was ok. I was pacing around the room in mine and the marauder's anxiously waiting for Sirius to finish his daily hair- I don't even know what. Let's just say ritual, and he couldn't be any slower about it, I was quite literally bouncing from foot to foot as I paced and paced. "James, Jesus stop pacing. You're making me feel ill." Remus complained, although light-heartedly. "Sorry moons.." I mumbled, sitting on my four poster bed fiddling with the rings on my fingers. Finally, after what felt like centuries Sirius came out of the bathroom. I immediately jumped up. Maybe a little to fast as I had to grab the wall to steady myself. Me and the Marauders then went down to breakfast, the anxiety creeping up and weighing down on me like a ton of bricks. I had to know he was ok. I kept telling myself. I had to know he was safe. We all ate breakfast, while Lily and Remus talked about books, whilst me and Sirius were talking about an upcoming quidditch game against Hufflepuff. Normally, people would say 'oh Hufflepuff easy win, but no. Do not underestimate them. After all, every badger has claws, and they are not afraid to use them. Trust me we learnt that the hard way, when they kicked our arses last game. As breakfast was nearing to an end, I gave Sirius that glance. One that could be nothing, yet mean s million words. In this case it was 'we have to find out about Regulus.' He simply nodded, the others knew what we were doing, Remus would've helped but he was tutoring first years until late and Peter had detentions throughout the day.

Hurriedly we made our way over to the Slytherin table and began to scan it for Barty, or Evan. Luckily we found the pair pretty quick and sat down opposite them. "Barty, Evan. Do either of you know where Regulus is? We haven't seen him since coming back from summer break." Barry's face paled. ", he wrote to me saying he ran. I don't know why, he wouldn't tell me. I think he got hurt. Badly. I wouldn't put it past your psychotic parents." He finished glancing down at the table. "Yeah.." Sirius chuckled dryly. "Thanks you two." Barty and Evan just nodded as we walked out of the great hall with another flourish of students. My mind was racing. 'Was he ok.?' 'What happened.?' 'Why did he run.?' These thoughts swirling around my head like a tide pool. That was until Sirius spoke up. "We have to find him, where would he be?" Suddenly it was like a lightbulb had gone off in my brain. "There's this little room, in the astronomy tower. Reg found it in his third year. You can see all the stars perfectly from there. We always go there. He must be there." I replied, assertive yet, terrified. Sirius nodded his head and we quite literally ran to the secret room in the astronomy tower.

Let's just say, I was not prepared for what I saw. Regulus was huddled in the corner of the room, shaking and crying into his arms. His hair looked dishevelled and he looked like he hadn't eaten in a week. Also, yellow, purple and green bruises littered his pale skin. God, I felt my heart sink to my stomach at the sight of him. Clearly, Sirius felt the same. Slowly they approached Regulus, being careful not to startle him. "Reggie, Reg. what happened?, why did you run?" Sirius began in a soothing voice, James only hears Sirius use when someone's upset. Regulus head shot up and he wrapped his arms around Sirius, sobbing into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." He mumbled as hot tears rolled down his face, his breathing ragged. "Hey, hey, hey, nice deep breath ok?, you're ok, you're safe here with me and James." He whispered as he stroked his curly hair. "Umm, where should I start? Umm well...they umm. Starved me, something about 'not being good enough' Then, they tried to make me get the mark, and I refused so they beat me trying to get my arm, but then I apparated and I accio'd all of my stuff and ran." He looked down, avoiding Sirius' and my gaze. "Reg, hey look at me. You are more than good enough ok?. They aren't good enough. I'm so proud of you, proud of you for fighting. I know it isn't easy. Trust me. But you looked them in the eye and said no. That is real Slytherin bravery. I love you, you'll always be my Reggie." Sirius smiled as he pulled Regulus into a tight embrace. Regulus muttered an 'I love you too' into Sirius' chest and James felt tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm gonna, leave you two lovebirds alone and go explain everything to Minnie." And with that Sirius was gone. "Merlin don't do that! You know everyone was bat shit crazy worried about you! And before you say the 's' word I forbid you from saying it. You have nothing to apologise for." Regulus laughed. God his sweet laugh, how I missed it. "I love you Regulus Arcturus Potter." Regulus blushed an uncanny shade of red, before responding with, "I love you more James Fleamont Potter." And with that he crashed our lips together. God how I've missed this, him. We both pulled away out of breathe, "come on everyone will want to know you're okay, they're probably all in the Gryffindor common room. Barty, Evan and Pandora too."

We reached the common room and Regulus was engulfed in a bear hug. It was Evan, Barty, Pandora and Dorcas. "Fucking hell, you dipshit, don't do that, I was worried sick you twat, Jesus. Never do that again. You fucking tart." Barty finished chuckling. "Oh and before we forget. You're not allowed to say the 's' word. It's forbidden." Evan warned. Everyone agreed and Dorcas and Pandora talked, Dorcas cracking jokes and Pandora being herself. For a while, Regulus just nodded at his best friends antics and then went to find everyone else. All the girls apart from lily hugged Regulus, and they were all rambling about how they missed, the 'tolerable brother' and after Remus and Lily gave him a huge hug. "Lily cried. She was worried about you Reg." Remus rolled off quickly, earning a slap from Lily. "You you cried too dumb arse." Remus had a look of mock annoyance on his face, before they all burst out laughing. "Who are you two?, and what have you done with Lily and Remus?" Regulus laughed, whilst giving them another quick hug, wandering off to find his boyfriend. He saw James and Sirius and made his way over. James threaded his hand through Regulus' and somehow it still made him weak in the knees. Regulus just smiled trying to listen to Sirius talk about Minnie, sorting stuff out for him, but he zoned out leaning on James shoulder. "You tired love?" Regulus just nodded, feeling half asleep. "We're gonna head to bed, night guys." James said, a chorus of 'nights' and 'good nights' were heard as the two boys walked up the stairs. They curled up, Regulus falling asleep immediately.

Today had been a really busy day, but it was worth it because he had his Regulus. His love.

A/N: Damm. That was long, but I'm not complaining! Hope y'all enjoyed sorry for my shit updating I'm back at school now and work and revision is just piling up. But I'll try and get more updates in soon.

Bye my loves xx

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