Stay :// J

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A/N: part 2 of stay because people asked, you ask and you shall receive here you go x

TW: crying, talk of past abuse, cuts, scars, blood

I let out a deep breath I didn't know I'd been holding as James unlocked his front door. "It'll be fine, I promise." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we both stepped inside. I kept my head down because I felt everybody's gaze linger on me, I hated it. Somebody wrapped their arms and I mentally scolded myself for letting my breath hitch in the back of my throat. "You know you're an idiot." It was Sirius, I knew by the slight huskiness of his voice and that...that only happened when he was crying. Burying my face into his shoulder I began crying too. Merlin we probably looked like a fucking train wreck right about now. "I know your still a twat right?" I questioned, chuckling wetly into his already damp T-shirt. He laughed now looking at me. "Reg, I'm sorry. I was never angry at you, I was angry at myself because I couldn't get you out in time. I just-." I cut him off, I didn't blame him at all, just being here was what mattered. I placed my finger on his lips and spoke "Don't. Don't finish that sentence, it's not your fault okay? The war is over, me and James destroyed the locket. It's over. It's really over Sirius." He beamed at my words and spun me around in a hug. "Put me down, muppet." I hit his chest and he laughed before finally letting me down. "Go talk to your friends, I don't want Barty to murder you." I sighed, walking over to my Slytherin and Ravenclaw friends. Barty was fiddling with his fingers, Evan was pacing nervously and Pandora just looked down right glum.

"Hey everyone..." I watched nervously as their heads all snapped in my general direction. Barty squeezed me so hard I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. "Don't do that! you bloody wanker. Merlin we were fucking worried sick." I was about to open my mouth and apologise but Evan cut me off. "Why don't you blimming listen to anyone?!?" He scolded lightheartedly as a single tear rolled down his cheek. I laughed and felt my eyes glass over slightly. "Since when do I listen to anyone?" I asked trying to be funny and sarcastic but that only earns me a slap around the back of my head from Pandora. "Not the time Reggie, don't you dare pull anything else. I'm not afraid to slap you again." Her voice was soft yet I was bloody scared of her. Pandora was scary when she was angry, you would not want to cross her.

The girls, Remus and Peter walked over to me and Lily looked like she was going to murder someone. Specifically me. "Regulus fucking Black don't you dare do that, who the hell will bully Remus with me, or dance with me while blasting ABBA to piss James off or who will gossip with me? Don't bloody do that." Lily's face was almost as red as her hair but I could tell she was only worried about me. I laughed along with her and then carried on talking with everyone that was until Remus noticed blood dripping from a cut that had opened on my arm. "Reg, your arms it's bleeding." I hurriedly looked down and immediately tried to brush him off. "Oh don't worry it's just a scrape." None of them looked convinced and Dorcas spoke up. "No, no we're not having that go sit over there, me and Mary will patch you up." She motioned to the kitchen table and I sat at it in a huff. "This is going to sting quite a bit, sorry Reggie." Mary smiled at me sadly before her and Dorcas began stitching me up. Bloody merlin it hurt like fuck.

"Ahh fuck." I grimaced, but thankfully the pain seized. "There, done." Dorcas bandaged my arm and gave me a hug. A few hours passed of us celebrating the war being over, it was the best feeling but Marlene suddenly screamed and we all turned to her in confusion. "Reg! James! Your in the prophet!" She screamed, god she screamed loud enough I thought the whole of the Wizarding World would've heard her. James took the paper out of her hands and I read it over his shoulder. In big bold letters it said. 'YOUNG BLACK HEIR GOES ROGUE AND PUTS AN END TO VOLDEMORT ALONGSIDE HIS PARTNER JAMES POTTER.' What did they mean by partner? Oh well whatever it meant I didn't care, I was fully open to knowing that the rest of the Wizarding World knew I was dating James Potter and vice versa.

He turned to me and smirked, before he grabbed my face and pulled me into a deep kiss. The cheers of our friends partying in the background was like music to my ears.
Life was good now.
War was over.
We were free.

A/N: hey everyone! This is long overdue but I really enjoyed writing it! And I hope you enjoyed reading x

Go check out my options chapter and pick out your favourite Jegulus and wolfstar oneshot and give me requests!

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love xx

Cali xx

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