Nightmares :// J

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A/N: hey lovelies, I have 4 tests this week and I'm stressing. I hate tests. I have a French speaking, maths, English and science. Which is just not great :/ but oh is what it is. My friend gave me this idea for a oneshot, so thank you and here it is X

TW: mentions of nightmares, crying,

Hope you enjoy!

Regulus shot up from bed, his back dripping with sweat and breathing heavy. Fuck! This had been the fourth time this week. Regulus got out of bed, cautious not to wake Evan and Barty who were tangled together asleep on the bed opposite his. He scampered into the bathroom, shutting the door with a slight click. Regulus turned on the tap and splashed cold water over his face, hopefully that would help a little. It didn't at all.

Regulus shot up once more and threw himself on his back, head slamming against the pillow. He felt the warm tears lingering on his cheeks as he heaved, trying to get a decent breath in. He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he put on his slippers and left the dorm, then exiting through the portrait hole. Hogwarts was beautiful at night, because the moon shone illuminating parts of the corridors and the stars glow in the sky like little flecks of hope. Or that's what Regulus liked to think of it. It was well past midnight so Regulus wasn't worried about being caught by Filch or a Prefect. He scampered down the corridors until he reached the portrait of the fat lady. 'Quidditch' Regulus whispered and the portrait swung upon without a fuss. But honestly? Quidditch. They couldn't have been anymore Gryffindor if they tried.

Regulus felt a faint smile tug at his lips, the Gryffindor common room was always so warm and inviting, as the fire cracked. A hue of red, orange and yellow flames danced behind the glass pane however Regulus did like the sleek and modern layout of the Slytherin common room, he tiptoed up the stairs and knocked gently on James' dorm door. Regulus felt like he was waiting there for an eternity and was about to make a run for it, but the door opened and someone caught ahold of his wrist. "Reg? Why're you here?" James pulled Regulus into the dorm and shut the door, casting a muffliato. Regulus didn't respond, instead he just wrapped his arms around James and buried his face into James' bare chest. He didn't even realise that tears had started falling down his cheeks and then was quick to wipe them away. "Sorry..." Regulus mumbled and James was confused as he lifted Regulus' chin with his index finger so their eyes were level. "Why are you sorry my love?" His tone was sincere as he studied Regulus' pale face, looking for an answer.

" I, I." Regulus sighed, he didn't know why he was sorry, he just was and there was no way to explain it. "Reg, what's going on? You know you can tell me." James moved to sit on the edge of his bed and Regulus followed. "Nightmares." The response was barely audible and James gave Regulus a confused glance. "Nightmares." He spoke louder, proceeding to hang his head in his lap. James sighed, grabbing Reg's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Just enough so Reg knew he was there but then again not too much as to overwhelm the boy.

"Comfort or solutions?" James asked, the pair would often ask this to each other in situations like this or arguments that were beginning to arise. It prevented most conflict between the couple and instead they would talk or just sit, wrapped in each other's embrace. "Can I just have a hug?" Regulus' tone was almost timid, James just smiled. "Come lay back." James patted the spot on the bed beside him and Regulus shifted over, filling the gap. His head was on James' chest as the latter's arms circled around him, bringing them impossibly closer. "Would you like to talk about it now? Or tomorrow?" Regulus wanted to cry. Just the way James spoke to him made his heart melt. He was always so patient and understanding. Regulus felt safe with James.

"Can we talk tomorrow, I'm really tired." As if on queue Regulus yawned into his fist and James giggled a little. "Of course we can love, get some sleep okay? You need it. I'm not going anywhere." James brought his and Regulus' interlocked hands up to his lips and kissed them. Merlin, Regulus was so happy James didn't see the blush that was growing in his cheeks. James' hands coiled through Regulus' curls as he aimlessly traced the abs on James' stomach. Most likely from quidditch.

"Goodnight sleepyhead." James kissed Regulus' mop of curls, peppered little kisses all over his face then finally kissed his lips. Staring into his stormy grey eyes. Regulus kissed James' lips, both his cheeks and whispered. "Goodnight love, thank you." James wrapped the covers around them and shut the curtains. He took off his glasses then laid down, admiring his beautiful boyfriend for another minute before closing his eyes.

Regulus sighed in content and smiled.

James wasn't going anywhere.

Regulus shut his eyes.

James Potter made him feel safe.

James Potter was Regulus Black's home.

A/N: There we go, I'm stressing about tests :/ but I decided to finish this oneshot x

Hope you enjoyed!

All the love ❤️

Cali xx

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