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"Ugh..." Donnie slowly woke from his unconsciousness. His mind was filled with memories and twisted emotions. What happened? There was a fight he didn't want to fight. A woman he didn't know. He felt the flame flicker again, but couldn't place it. He...didn't know? Why was he wondering that? Oh, damn. He needs to wake up and focus!

The turtle opened his eyes and squinted against the purple light. He looked at a fascinating formation of light and shapes. The memory of the suddenly lit Bo returned. The green eyes looking at him in surprise, but he was able to see so much more! A blast? And then darkness.

He stirred and put one hand to his head, and with the other he braced himself to sit up. He looked to the side and there she sat. Donnie froze, and suddenly the totally illogical and irrational thought that he was dead came to him.

The flame danced. There she sat. She. The mask was gone, and she looked at him silently with her green eyes. Her gaze was completely unfathomable. She had white, almost curly hair, which at the moment had a purple shimmer due to the light, and it looked wild and reached to her chin. She sat cross-legged as if in meditation and, with his glowing Bo in her hands, placed on her legs. Above and behind and beside her - a dome formed with lines of light spanning them in intricate patterns.

Donnie tried to organize his thoughts, but they failed him. He wanted to say something, but he was speechless.


A little word from her to break the spell and made him wake up a second time. Now his thoughts overturned, and he pulled himself together. He must have looked like a complete idiot! He sat up straight and did a quick inventory of his body to see if he was injured. And to be able to look away from her.

He seemed unhurt, yet his whole body ached in an indefinable way. When he glanced at her again, she was more human than divine again. Now he saw the dust and dirt. The bloody scratches on her hands and many tears in her clothes. And there appeared to be a pressure bandage on her left leg.

His concentration resumed its usual work, even if it stumbled. Donnie cleared his throat.


They looked at each other and an imperceptible little smile crossed her lips before disappearing again. So small that Donnie could have imagined it.

"How are you?" she asked in a calm voice

"I... think good. I appear unharmed. How... long was I unconscious? What happened? What is this... structure?" he pointed to the dome then looked at her again, "and why do you have my Bo in your hands?"

She took a short breath, and it was as if she had the answers in her head before he asked them.

"You were unconscious for about 20 minutes. Your Bo seems to have developed some kind of shock wave that threw us both away and destroyed the building. I used the Bo to build this dome to save us. I don't dare to put it down because I'm afraid it might affect the stability of the dome."

Donnie was intrigued.

She had answered his questions without hesitation. Short and sweet - and precise. Even if it raised more questions.

"You built this? With MY Bo? How?" the purple one was impressed and shocked at the same time.

"Yes, I have. Yes, with your Bo. And I have absolutely no idea. It happened... intuitively?" she answered. She looked thoughtfully at the Bo and remembered her scream, when she had raised it. That feeling was still very close to her. Her willingness to save his life or die with him. Something flickered in her, and she didn't dare look up at the turtle. She felt like an open book. She had to be careful.

Donnie also fell silent for a moment. He was still a little dazed and trying to reconstruct his memories. He saw her eyes again, wide open. Shining with tears coming up.

He'd brought the Bo down on her, feeling an overwhelming sense of conflict as he did so. He couldn't help it, he wasn't using his full power. It was impossible.

Nevertheless, the Bo had hit her hard, and he had felt the pain, too, that drove her through.

When she had raised her gaze to him, and he looked into her eyes, he could see everything in her. Her pain. Her conflict. Her fear. Her will. And something behind - far away in her consciousness - a danger!

Right then, it was as if the Bo had charged itself with sheer energy and couldn't withstand it. The shockwave was born.

"I remember. We held the Bo, and it activated its mystical energy without my influence." he said, and setting aside his remaining impressions, he looked sideways to hide his conflict. He couldn't tell her that. It seemed infinitely intimate to him, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He didn't know who she was? Wasn't she actually his enemy?

"You can consciously influence that?" she replied intrigued, drawing Donnie's attention back. Curiosity leapt up in her, "How?"


Their eyes met again. They both wanted to smile at each other, but suppressed the impulse. The turtle was again overwhelmed by the atmosphere that prevailed between the two of them, and he shied away from this intensity. It's over strain his nerves and in order not to show himself vulnerable, he interrupted the moment.

"We should get out of here. You are hurt." He pointed to her bandaged left leg.

"Are we enemies?" She asked and caught him off guard with this question. There was an insecurity in her voice, which in turn made her appear very vulnerable.

What should Donnie say to that? He didn't want to be her enemy. For nothing in the world. It seemed to him that he could see this young woman. Really see and understand. He felt her pain and fear and wanted to take that burden off her. Help her. Be with her. But he couldn't tell her that, could he?

"I..." he began, "You..."

But she stopped him and stared at the floor next to him in horror.

"No!" she whispered, "Please no!"

Donnie looked down and saw the water. It rose through the cracks in the rubble they were sitting on, and quite quickly.

"Oh no!"

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