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Donnie woke up. His arms reached into the void, the bed next to him was empty. He sighed. Would he wake up one day with her in his arms? He was beginning to doubt it.

Feeling the flame calmly shining inside him, he pulled back the covers and began to dress.

"Hey, slept well?" asked Raph when Donnie came into the kitchen, and he knew that Raph also meant Shiro.

"Yes, everything is okay. Where are the others?" the purple one poured himself a coffee and started to make breakfast.

“Leo is still asleep. Shiro is with Mikey." Raph took a bite out of his sandwich. "I already moved all the broken stuff in the projector room to the side." he added

"Thanks, Raph. Has Dad seen it yet?" asked Donnie

“Yes, he was a bit upset about the books. He borrowed them from Big Mama."

"Oh shit." Donnie couldn't help but grin, "Well, he'll make it up to her somehow."

"I think so. Also, I have a feeling Big Mama would like Shiro and won't be mad at her for long either way." Raph smiled at the introduction. Big Mama would love Shiro and her ruthlessness, he knew that.

"You could be right. I'll text April not to be alarmed if she comes here and finds the room trashed."

"Go ahead. She didn't answer my call. I think she's still mad because we let her sleep."

"You serious? Man, she's such a stubborn one, too."

"...and then I thought, I'll just draw her for you."

Shiro sat cross-legged on the floor in Mikey’s room. Surrounded by sketchbooks, scrapbooks, notes, pens, brushes. On the side she also saw digital equipment for drawing and some canvases were leaning against the walls. Mikey had sprayed a mural on the front of his room that showed the entire Hamato family – an unknown woman in the middle. 'Karai' came to Shiro's mind.

But then Mikey gave her a small canvas, no larger than a DinA4 page, and Shiro noticed that she had been distracted and had missed the beginning of his sentence.

"Sorry Mikey, I…" she began, but then her eyes fell on the picture in her hand and the words got stuck in her throat.

It was her sister. It showed her how she crouched on the floor and looked up at her, laughing. Her wild, short hair stuck out on all sides. Her cheeks were red, she held a red, narrow brick in one hand, the other was placed on a piece of paper, which was the one-to-one drawing from herself.

There wasn't a scratch on her. No bump. No bandage. No bruises. She was just a little happy, proud girl looking up at Shiro and showing her big sister her drawing.

"Mikey…" Shiro's voice was choked.

“I included her own drawing. I don't know what your brother looks like. But so you are all together in the picture, so to speak. Do you like it?" he had sat down next to her and looked at her a little uncertainly.

"Mikey…" she held the picture away from her, so her tears wouldn't fall on it.

“Oh no, Shiro, you're crying! No, please not! Oh man, I didn't want that!" said Mikey startled

"Mikey. Thanks!" exclaimed Shiro and hugged him joyful. Laughing and crying at the same time.

The turtle momentarily lost balance, but caught himself with one hand behind him. Then he understood what was going on in Shiro and grinned proudly while he put his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now